• 我们那里度过愉快闹哄哄的。

    The two days we spent there were enjoyable but hectic.


  • 工作知道空调办公室不如闹哄哄教室

    Worked had only then known that, had air conditioning the office, wasinferior to the noisy classroom.


  • 听见脚步声,叫喊声,风筝的人闹哄哄这边跑来。

    I hear clop-clop, cry, a group of Kite Runner is running noisily to the side.


  • 现在六个这些闹哄哄孩子渴望父母一起周游世界

    now they are already six; those rambunctious children, eager to travel the world with their parents.


  • 操场闹哄哄在举办马术竞赛会似的。土豆大腿上热得不行。

    The playground roared liked a rodeo, and thepotato burned through my thigh.


  • 学校操场上,妈妈的鹅宝宝年级闹哄哄班级给隔开了。

    In the school yard, a mother goose and her baby are separated by a boisterous class of first graders.


  • 试验表明:和成天闹哄哄乐天派相比忧郁擅长决断不容易上当受骗。

    In contrast to those annoying happy types, miserable people are better at decision-making and less gullible, his experiments showed.


  • 随着加热蒸汽发出震耳欲聋鸣声,装置缓缓将罗斯空中闹哄哄几秒钟后在自由飞行了

    With an earsplitting burst of superheated steam, the contraption lifts Ross gently into the air and, for a few noisy seconds, he is flying.


  • 赛季开幕之总是有点闹哄哄的,太阳下,每个人都充满希望极好的状态下努力。

    The first day of the league season always has a special buzz about it, with the sun shining, everyone full of hope and the pitch in perfect condition.


  • 巴西利亚那场闹哄哄的大会将21个地点遗产名录——尽管专家建议其实只有10个符合要求的。

    At the Brasilia shindig, some 21 new sites were added to the heritage list-even though the expert advice suggested only ten were eligible.


  • 恶作剧之不安能量环境有了新的表达方式,闹哄哄男孩子推倒围栏,弄小屋,到处惹是生非

    The restless energy of the "mischief night" found expression in new surroundings: rowdy boys knocked down fences tipped over outhouses and wreaked other havoc.


  • 恶作剧之不安能量环境下有了新的表达方式,闹哄哄男孩子推倒围栏,弄小屋,到处惹是生非。

    The restless energy of the "mischief night" found expression in new surroundings: rowdy boys knocked down fences, tipped over outhouses, and wreaked other havoc.


  • 但是实际操作中对于那些仍然只是茶叶当成普通商品“懒”茶客来说,这么多信息就显得闹哄哄乱七八糟的了。

    But in practice, all of these messages become muddled and overwhelming in the mind of the casual consumer who simply sees tea as a commodity product.


  • 当时,兴奋孩子们正在讨论即将到来的圣诞节,有点闹哄哄的,这位女代课老师脱口:“你们圣诞礼物其实是父母送的。”

    The supply teacher blurted out : "it's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.


  • 要是《蒙娜·丽莎的话可能失望因为那幅块厚玻璃当中,周围全是闹哄哄,争先恐后地站在画拍照。

    If you go to see the Mona Lisa, you'll probably be disappointed, because it's hidden behind a thick glass wall and surrounded by a frenzied crowd taking pictures of themselves in front of it.


  • 这个闹哄哄世界上有一面纱如此严实地遮住了双眼掀开了这层面纱,使我见到了那些从未留意过的快事

    I was the one who had been blind. He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this hectic world, and to see all those things I'd failed to marvel at before.


  • 当时,兴奋孩子们正在讨论即将到来的圣诞节,有点闹哄哄的,这位女代课老师脱口而出:“你们的圣诞礼物其实是父母送的。”

    The supply teacher blurted out: "it's your parents who leave out presents on Chrsitmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.


  • 闹哄哄的酒吧里小时快乐时光”,商店里有假冒名牌包袋,T恤上粗话使希望自己最好不懂英语拥挤不堪的海滩上到处是垃圾。

    There are loud bars where Happy Hour is every hour, shops selling fake designer handbags, tee shirts with slogans so offensive that make me wish I didn’t speak English and a dirty over-crowded beach.


  • 精致香槟粉红淡黄绿色藏红花黄色、深红色洋红色组成闹哄哄的水上巡回舞台,这些地区植物大量的不同风格过冬准备

    Showboating in a raucous mix of delicate Champagne pink, chartreuse, saffron, pale yellow, siren red and magenta, the plants in these parts get ready for the winter with plenty of style.


  • Zappo公司定期开展不经意善良举动”活动:员工们闹哄哄地排成一队,选出同事来进行表扬,而这个表扬的人接下来一周顶看起来很帽子

    The company engages in regularrandom acts of kindness”: workers form a noisy conga line and single out one of their colleagues for praise. The praisee then has to wear a silly hat for a week.


  • Zappo公司定期开展不经意善良举动”活动:员工们闹哄哄地排成一队,选出同事来进行表扬,而这个表扬的人接下来一周顶看起来很帽子

    The company engages in regularrandom acts of kindness”: workers form a noisy conga line and single out one of their colleagues for praise. The praisee then has to wear a silly hat for a week.


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