• 巴基可能是通过陆地哺乳动物一样耳朵开口探测声音

    Pakicetus probably detected sound through the ear opening as in land mammals.


  • 直到最近才发现的化石显然是介于陆地哺乳动物之间过渡物种。

    Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.


  • 羚与羚羊亲缘关系,但却形似羚羊,它新大陆速度最快陆地哺乳动物

    The pronghorn, which resembles an antelope, though they are unrelated, is the fastest land mammal of the New World.


  • 受到威胁陆地哺乳动物主要集中亚洲南部东南亚地区。

    Threatened land mammals are concentrated in south and south-east Asia.


  • 长颈鹿世界上最高陆地哺乳动物可以高达20英尺

    Giraffes are the tallest land mammals in the world, with heads that may tower 20 feet above ground.


  • 由于气候恶劣格陵兰岛陆地哺乳动物数量有限的。

    Because of the harsh climate, the number of Greenlandic terrestrial mammals is very limited.


  • 繁衍迟钝陆地哺乳动物因为了同心专心只想满意一已私欲人类濒临。

    But the slow-breeding mammals of the sea have been all but wiped out by humans seeking to satisfy their wants and whims.


  • 物种起源》达尔文猜测自然选择使陆地哺乳动物进化鲸鱼可能过程。

    In "The Origin of Species," Darwin speculated on how natural selection could turn a land mammal into a whale.


  • 大多数陆地哺乳动物植物树木灌木丛后代,正与此时陆地振动匹配。

    Most subsequent generations of birds, land mammals, plants, trees and shrubs are matching the vibration of the land at this time.


  • 加拿大科学家声称发现一个化石,这有助于帮助揭秘海豹如何陆地哺乳动物进化而来。

    Scientists in Canada say a fossil they found helps to understand how seals developed from land-based mammals.


  • 对于某些人来说,冰河世纪犀牛并不意味着这种大型陆地哺乳动物却是巨型鸟类

    To some, the arched snout and horns of skeletal Ice Age woolly rhinoceroses suggested not a vast land mammal, but the beak and claws of a giant bird.


  • 例如陆地哺乳动物如何回到水中进化鲸鱼海豹海牛呢?这一问题一直Fish和他的同事困惑不解。

    For instance, how terrestrial mammals moved back into the water and evolved into whales, seals and manatees continues to puzzle Fish and colleagues.


  • 陆地哺乳动物北极熊无疑是长距离游泳冠军人们经常距离陆地或者大块浮冰50英里的地方看到它们

    Polar bears are champion long-distance swimmers among land mammals, and it is not uncommon to find them at sea as far as 50 miles from land or an ice floe.


  • 南极许多海豹的栖息之地,就像只毛皮海豹,眼睛用来黑暗海水中追寻猎物的,陆地哺乳动物眼睛形状稍有不同

    Antarctica is home to many seal species such as this fur seal. Its large eyes are designed to seek out prey in dim waters and are a slightly different shape to a land mammal's.


  • 全球野生动物大规模年度调查表明近四分之一陆地哺乳动物物种濒临灭绝还有许多其余的物种,甚至科学界知道它们之前可能就已经绝迹了

    Nearly a quarter of the world's land mammal species are at risk of extinction, and many others may vanish before they are even known to science, according to a major annual survey of global wildlife.


  • 我们人类以及其他陆地哺乳动物来说,有些感官与生俱来的,然而对于鲸鱼来讲,这些功能要么已经衰退彻底消失,要么就无法水中正常发挥作用。

    Some of the senses that we and other terrestrial mammals take for granted are either reduced or absent in cetaceans or fail to function well in water.


  • 许多原始生物灭绝鲨鱼硬骨成为水域主人,四动物最终进化成了恐龙哺乳动物征服陆地

    Many primitive lineages went extinct as sharks and bony fish became masters of the waters and tetrapods, the four-legged animals that eventually evolved into dinosaurs and mammals, conquered the land.


  • 陆地海洋人类处在巨大生物金字塔顶端,成为所有生物主宰,给海洋哺乳动物带来巨大的胁。

    At sea, as on land, humans have now positioned themselves on the top of the whole great pyramid of life, and they have caused serious problems for the mammals of the sea.


  • 我们也许还津津乐道恐龙时代哺乳动物时代,殊不知第一动物陆地时,昆虫的时代已然来临。

    We talk about the age of dinosaurs or the age of mammals, but since the first animal climbed onto land, every age has been, by any reasonable measure, the age of insects too.


  • 面积宽阔陆地,体型哺乳动物生存地最好因为体积动物相比他们更少受寒冷伤害食肉动物袭击的机率也小。

    On large expanses of land, big animals do best, because they are less vulnerable to cold and less likely to be attacked by predators.


  • 但是,由于陆地需要这样的电子磁场探测系统,爬行动物鸟类哺乳动物渐渐失去了一功能。

    However, over the years reptiles, birds and mammals lost their electrosense as it wasn’t needed for life on terra firma.


  • 通过看书知道大多数哺乳动物都生活陆地上。

    I learned from the book that most mammals live on yird.


  • 小型哺乳动物土壤动物陆地生态系统食物链重要环节生物指示研究中具有十分重要作用

    Small mammals and soil animals are key links of trophic chains in terrestrial eco-systems, and play very important roles in bio-indicative studies.


  • 当然我们另外一些陆地哺乳动物一些器官减少,或与鲸鱼不同,或丢失水中很好生存的功能

    Some of the senses that we and other terrestrial mammals take for granted are either reduced or absent in cetaceans or fail to function well in water.


  • 海洋哺乳动物既然海洋如此丰富食物一些原本陆地生存的高效率的,适应性强的血型动物返回海洋生存不难理解的。

    Since there is such an abundance of food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the efficient, highly adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that evolved on land should have returned to the sea.


  • 海洋哺乳动物既然海洋如此丰富食物一些原本陆地生存的高效率的,适应性强的血型动物返回海洋生存不难理解的。

    Since there is such an abundance of food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the efficient, highly adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that evolved on land should have returned to the sea.


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