• 不利事物恐惧期待实际上降低免疫力的。

    The fear and expectation of having something adverse happen actually lowers immunity, says Northrup.


  • 使感到疲倦有可能降低免疫力手里就掌握线索

    Iron deficiency leaves you exhausted and can reduce immunity, but your hands hold a clue.


  • 由于降低免疫力任何东西,例如艾滋病毒年龄增长某些医学病症细菌变为活动性

    Bacteria become active as a result of anything that can reduce the person's immunity, such as HIV, advancing age, or some medical conditions.


  • 微笑临床上表现降低血压提高免疫力甚至能释放出天然止痛药(内啡肽),每样都能减轻压力增加快乐促进健康

    And smiling has been clinically shown to lower blood pressure, boost immunity, and even release natural painkillers (endorphins), each of which lowers stress, boosts happiness, and improves health.


  • 多年接触会形成一定程度免疫力虽然并不能完全防护确实会降低感染疟疾后出现重症风险

    Immunity is developed over years of exposure, and while it never gives complete protection, it does reduce the risk that malaria infection will cause severe disease.


  • 研究显示乳腺癌治疗过程中降低压力可以保持患者高免疫力提高生活质量

    They said reducing stress during breast cancer treatment can keep the immune system strong and improve a woman's quality of life -- and these two factors help women live longer.


  • 有益心脏杏仁富含能够增强免疫力的抗氧化剂维他命E,而维他命E可以降低感冒和患呼吸道感染几率

    Heart-healthy almonds boast immune-boostingantioxidant vitamin E, which can reduce your chance of catching coldsand developing respiratory infections.


  • 这个理论预测男性冒险性生活方式意味着他们更多地暴露疾病面前,同时降低他们免疫力

    It predicts that the adventurous lifestyle of the male means that they are more exposed to disease but paradoxically this reduces their immunity.


  • 吸烟酗酒能够降低机体免疫力导致复发

    Smoking and drinking can also reduce the body immunity, leading to relapse.


  • 真心的笑发现可以增加人的免疫力降低胆固醇血压

    It's also been found to enhance immune system functioning and may lower cholesterol and blood pressure.


  • 结论灵口服液增强机体免疫力,并具有降低机体损伤的功能,安全有效保健药品

    Conclusion: Zhenling oral fluid is able to enhance organism immunity as well as reduce organism damage, which is a kind of safe and effective healthcare medicine.


  • 孕妇不仅因为免疫力降低而使容易受感染,而且一旦感染上,病情其他人来得更重。

    Not only are we more susceptible because of our compromised immunity, we're likely to become sicker than others if we do contract the virus.


  • 结核病艾滋病主要并发症之一结核病艾滋病病毒双重感染降低人体对结核菌的免疫力,艾滋病患者八成于结核病。

    TB is one of the major complications of AIDS, tuberculosis and HIV co-infection, reducing the body's immunity to TB, AIDS patients have died of tuberculosis five to Bacheng.


  • 中等强度运动增加机体感染能力,运动量训练竞赛降低机体的免疫力

    Medium intensity exercise can increase the bodys resistance to infection, and the intensive training and competition can lower the bodys immunity.


  • 目前,还没有确切证据表明食物预防降低HIV感染有些食物可以增强患者免疫力减少并发症

    At present, there is no hard evidence that food can prevent or reduce HIV infection, but some food can enhance the patient's immune system and reduce complications.


  • 精神紧张多愁善感者使人体免疫力降低因此保持良好心态

    Nervous or sentimental, would reduce the body's immune system, so to maintain a good attitude.


  • 发明提高鱼类免疫力减少了病害发生增加养鱼产量,降低了养鱼成本,改善了角类品质。

    The invention improves fish immunity, reduces the occurrence of diseases, increases the fish production, reduces the fish cost, and improves the horn quality.


  • 患者缺乏免疫力细菌血液中繁殖导致发热血压降低皮肤起疱

    For patients with compromised immune systems, the bacterium can infect the bloodstream and cause fever, decreased blood pressure and blistering skin lesions.


  • 不过睡眠不足会健康带来许多不利影响,因为降低人体免疫力也许就是这两天出现溃疡喉咙等症状的原因。

    But the kack of skeep wikk cause kots of probkems because it reduces the body immunity, that's probabky why you are having canker and sore throat.


  • 经常性睡眠不足会增加健康问题的产生,包括记忆下降免疫力降低

    Regularly getting too little increases the risk of health problems, including memory impairment and a weakened immune system.


  • 结论应用拟利咽方能降低放射性食道发生率提高患者免疫力,对放射性食道炎的发生一定防治作用。

    Conclusion: Using the self-control Liyan agents could reduce the incidence of radiation esophagitis, improve the patients' immunity, prevent certainly the emergence of radiation esophagitis.


  • 长期食用具有增强人体免疫力美容延缓衰老提高记忆力调节机体平衡降低血脂功效

    Long-term edible, with enhancing human immunity, beauty, anti-aging, improve memory, regulating body balance, to reduce blood lipids and other effects.


  • 他看来,长时间压力学校人欺负或者担心即将到来的考试等确实降低免疫力

    Long-term stress, like being bullied at school or worrying about the upcoming exams, can actually lower your immunity, according to Dr. Bosch.


  • 现代药理学研究证明绞股蓝具有降低血脂血压抑制肿瘤、增强免疫力镇静止痛保护心脏肝脏、抗动脉粥样硬化、保护血管等作用。

    It has the functions in reduce blood fat, decrease blood pressure, anti-tumour, enhance immune system, sedative, acesodyne, protect heart, liver and blood vessel.


  • 外界刺激宿主免疫力降低等因素都可以使宿主潜伏感染状态发病成为带毒者传播因此潜伏感染建立及维持机理研究显得尤为重要。

    Hosts can be diseased from latency condition by the decreasing of host's immunity and stimulation of condition, and so on , then become a carrier and infectious source.


  • PRRSV感染降低猪体免疫力,常引起其他病原微生物继发并发感染,加重病情。

    Infection of PRRSV can not only damage the immunity of the swine but also cause secondary affection or complicating disease involved other pathogenic microorganism, which exacerbates the situation.


  • 专家介绍长期情绪不好精神紧张导致人体免疫力降低胃酸分泌过多血管紧张度增加血压升高

    Experts, not long-term emotional, mental stress, the body will lead to reduced immunity, excessive secretion of gastric acid, an increase of vascular tension, high blood pressure, and so on.


  • 专家介绍长期情绪不好精神紧张导致人体免疫力降低胃酸分泌过多血管紧张度增加血压升高

    Experts, not long-term emotional, mental stress, the body will lead to reduced immunity, excessive secretion of gastric acid, an increase of vascular tension, high blood pressure, and so on.


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