• 彻底改变以往依靠香料进行臭的被动方式,转之直接污浊气体主动方式。

    Therefore, the original passive mode that the deodorization is processed by spices is completely changed, in other words, an active mode that the dreggy gas is directly exhausted is applied.


  • 地表水处理厂通常提供添加2-3臭的加药设备所以操作人员可以选择有效药剂

    In surface-water treatment plants equipment for feeding two or three taste- and odor-removal chemicals is usually provided, so the operator can select the most effective chemicals.


  • 本实用新型时间空气中的细菌霉菌氧化分解达到消毒杀菌组合功能效果

    Within a short time, bacteria and mould in air can be oxidized and discomposed, thereby achieving the effect of sterilization, disinfection and deodorization combined functions.


  • 接着介绍了采用离子净化系统解决排水泵房方法,上海文庙泵站说明除臭系统布置,可供有关单位参考

    And taking Shanghai Wenmiao Pumping Station as an example, the article explains its layout of the odor removal system able to provide the reference for the relative units.


  • 无香味的滚抹除臭剂。

    I use unperfumed, roll-on deodorant.


  • 另外如果剩余了一些明矾也不要浪费,他们还有其他用处比如除臭剂,刮脸水,或者用来治疗口腔溃疡真的管用?

    Again, it would not be a waste to have any extra leftover left because you can use it for other purposes such as a deodorant, aftershave or for treating canker sores.


  • 同时除臭乳霜——各种绿茶配方的护肤品开始市场出现

    Meanwhile, skin preparations containing green tea - from deodorants to creams - are starting to appear on the market.


  • 记得现在日子什么东西都有味道的,古龙水、洗衣液、柔顺剂、洗发水除臭已经是个香味聚宝盆

    Remember that just about everything is scented these days, so between your cologne, laundry detergent, fabric softener, hair product and deodorant, you're a cornucopia of fragrance.


  • 既然汗流而且讨厌除臭,我自己经常哭泣有道理的。

    Given that I sweat a lot and hate deodorant, I suppose it makes sense that I weep often.


  • 或许食品地方同时购买唇彩润肤膏牙膏剃须刀除臭喷雾剂会节省时间但是你需要支付较高价格

    It might save time to buy your lip-gloss, moisturizer, toothpaste, razor blades, and deodorant at the same time and place you’re getting your food, but you’ll be paying a premium price.


  • 一直旅行包里放卫生产品腋下除臭牙膏牙刷一些洗面奶,梳子以及古龙水

    I keep a few hygiene products in my traveling bag at all times: underarm deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some facial cleanser, a comb, and some cologne.


  • 科林斯球衣上拼凑着各家赞助商标志,甚至球员腋窝处还有除臭品牌标志。

    The Corinthians shirt is a patchwork of sponsors' logos, down to one for a deodorant brand nestling in the players' armpits.


  • 女性喷雾剂除臭有香味卫生巾也不是什么东西。

    Feminine sprays, deodorants, and scented tampons aren't a good idea either.


  • 1965年仅有一般英国妇女腋下除臭

    As recently as 1965 only half of British women wore an underarm deodorant.


  • 无所不在清洗除臭腋下刮刀,口腔洗液应用,对美国妇女来说,每一个转变成为了自我尊敬的基本仪式

    All-over washing, the application of deodorant, the shaving of armpits, dental mouthwash: each was transformed into essential rituals for the self-respecting modern American woman.


  • 越过除臭——我可以保持超过除臭晶体

    I pass the deodorant - I use a deodorant crystal that lasts me more than a year.


  • 克林西安队服贴满赞助商商标除臭的商标已经到了衣服腋下

    The Corinthians shirt is a patchwork of sponsorslogos, down to one for a deodorant brand nestling in the players’ armpits.


  • 男人往往有体名声也许由于出汗多,对除臭过敏其他一些完全失控的因素造成的。

    Men tend to carry this reputation of being foul-smelling. Perhaps this is due to excessive sweat, an allergic reaction to deodorant, or some other factor completely out of their control.


  • 洗漱小物件:除臭牙刷剃须刀布朗博士液体(泡过的衣物刮脸时用)、牙线

    Minimal toiletries: deodorant, toothbrush, razor, Dr.Bronner's liquid soap (for washing clothes in the sink, and shaving), dental floss.


  • 30年前,巴西商店里几乎不到除臭但是现在联合利华那里每年卖出4亿欧元的产品。

    Three decades ago deodorants were almost impossible to find in Brazilian shops, but Unilever's sales there are now worth euro 400m a year.


  • 洗漱小物件:除臭牙刷剃须刀布朗博士液体(泡过衣物刮脸时用)、牙线

    Minimal toiletries: deodorant, toothbrush, razor, Dr. Bronner's liquid soap (for washing clothes in the sink, and shaving), dental floss.


  • 现在自然除臭,科诺诗(Korres)的白茶液态啫喱已经是第二瓶了(大啊)!我也没法放弃爱尔康的Opti - Free隐形眼镜护理

    I use natural deodorant now, I am on my second bottle of Korres White Tea Fluid Gel (I LOVE it!) and I can't give up my Opti-Free contact lens cleaner.


  • 三十年前根本不可能巴西找到出售除臭商店现在联合利华那里每年除臭销售额为4亿欧元

    Three decades ago deodorants were almost impossible to find in Brazilian shops, but Unilever's sales there are now worth 400m a year.


  • 最后废物塑料封住,美化填埋场入口处有一座清澈喷泉,里面就是这些清理干净后出液。

    Finally, the waste is topped off with plastic caps, deodorised and landscaped, while a crystal-clear fountain at the entrance tinkles with the cleaned-up leachate.


  • 护肤产品护发产品,除臭香水,还有清洁用品可以天然制成的。

    Skin care products, hair care products, deodorizers and perfumes, and cleansing products can all be made naturally.


  • 与其昂贵除臭还不如洋葱混合物有味道地方

    Instead of purchasing a pricey deodorizer, you might as well apply a mixture of Onions and water on the smelly areas.


  • 农业化学食品化学杂志》上发表最新研究中,研究人员将芫荽挥发物分离出来,然后逐个进行除臭能力测试

    In the new research, in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, they isolated cilantro's volatile compounds and tested each one for its odor-fighting power.


  • 这次调查兹公司新型空气清新剂——雷纽兹超级除臭一同推出。

    The poll was conducted in conjunction with the launch of a new Renuzit air freshener, Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer.


  • 事实说明楦子重要不仅保持形状而且雪松制的可以湿(除臭),有助于保护皮革

    Shoe trees, it turns out, are important: they not only hold the shape of the shoe but the cedar ones absorb moisture (and thus odors) which helps preserve the leather.


  • 事实说明楦子重要不仅保持形状而且雪松制的可以湿(除臭),有助于保护皮革

    Shoe trees, it turns out, are important: they not only hold the shape of the shoe but the cedar ones absorb moisture (and thus odors) which helps preserve the leather.


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