The city-dweller who leaves for the country is often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet.
Who drinks the poison may go astray, and they may have unbearable hunger, thirst, or strong curiosity.
Men born and reared upon the Bridge found life unendurably dull and inane elsewhere.
His impatience to get to London grew hourly, and his captivity became almost unendurable.
The nearly unbearable heat and humidity of the summer have ebbed; it’s fresh and mild in the East.
Those who were told the noise was part of a tune rated it as less unpleasant.
Importing existing Grails projects is also more than a gigantic pain.
His fears of an agonizing death had been allayed and he was now staunchly opposed to euthanasia.
To give me courage my father would tell of the unbearably freezing baths he had himself been through in his younger days.
Who drinks the poison may go astray; and they may have the unbearable hunger and thirst, or the strong curiosity.
At first, after "a quite unendurable winter", he revelled in the isolation and wild beauty of Jura.
He was suffering agonizing pain and was bed-ridden, but was refused euthanasia because it was illegal.
When emotions don't get expressed in a healthy way, tension can build up - sometimes to a point where it seems almost unbearable.
David's relationship with God combines brutal honesty with what Luther called a grasping faith.
But before long, the absent melody was replaced by an overbearing, mouth watering craving for chocolate cake.
The work is physically exhausting, mentally numbing and often performed in filthy and unbearably hot or cold conditions.
That has led to increasingly intolerable congestion, especially in big cities and on Britain's inadequate motorways.
Grueling work hours can add to anxiety and a lack of health care means that stress-related illnesses will go untreated.
People with borderline personality disorder, who struggle to control their impulses and anger, often resort to drugs and alcohol to soften their intolerable moods.
从那时代所烙印到时间全息图中难以忍受的痛苦和罪疚将被移除,但你必须在微观和宏观上让它成为那样 。
The excruciating pain and harrowing guilt seared into your time holograms from that era will be shifted, but you must in micro and macro make it so.
When we reached the little dachshund's pen, she was on her hind legs against a cyclone fence, barking in an unbearably shrill tone, though she was wagging her tail.
效果和症状 :谁倒了八辈子霉被这鬼东西咬一下的话,可得做好心理准备,当场他就会感受到难以忍受的剧痛。
Effects and Symptoms: Patients who have the misfortune of being bitten by a Gila monster experience severe pain at the site of the bite.
Women may also have evolved extra-sensitivity to interpersonal cues as a way to avoid conflict, a state that can feel intolerable to women, according to Brizendine.
Many such changes can be made, and at relatively little cost, in fulfilling our social responsibilities towards the growing number of people who are, frankly, carrying an unbearable burden.
To be honest, I had expected getting around Los Angeles by bike and public transportation to be a barely tolerable chore — a money-saving second-best way to see the city.
To be honest, I had expected getting around Los Angeles by bike and public transportation to be a barely tolerable chore — a money-saving second-best way to see the city.