Importing existing Grails projects is also more than a gigantic pain.
Because, not to do it would, as I say, be to abandon the patient to unbearable suffering, whether emotional suffering or physical suffering.
从那时代所烙印到时间全息图中难以忍受的痛苦和罪疚将被移除,但你必须在微观和宏观上让它成为那样 。
The excruciating pain and harrowing guilt seared into your time holograms from that era will be shifted, but you must in micro and macro make it so.
Life is made up of these little moments that add to our wellbeing, not just the larger than life ones that cause both immense happiness and unbearable pain.
If a man can only live by himself, only by thinking about himself, his pain will be unbearable.
But they fail to notice that deprived of work, most women will suffer unspeakable boredom and misery.
People can tolerate hunger, poverty, labor, and even imprisonment, however, was the most unbearable emotional pain.
Day after day, year after year, life was boring and empty; they felt deeply anxious and painful about the boring life.
It was by far the worst season of his career, and the most painful and difficult to endure.
It was by far the worst season of his career, and the most painful and difficult to endure.