• 它能解决单一特征统计分割算法难以解决问题

    The statistical algorithm is used to segment the image using the multidimensional feature function to determine the decision curved surface.


  • 推进工作难以解决的问题可以帮助避免出现问题

    Working out difficult issues in advance can help avoid problems later.


  • 困境复杂难以解决问题,这通常没有标准答案的。

    The dilemma is the most tangled and difficult problem to solve, and there is usually no standard answer to it.


  • 而企业缺乏内部信任机制众多问题难以解决的问题之一

    The lack of the inner-trust-mechanism is one of the most difficulties in the numerous problems.


  • 自然景物模拟一直计算机图形学难以解决的问题之一

    Simulation of natural phenomena has always been one of the most difficult tasks in computer graphics.


  • 现有门限签名方案中合谋攻击一直一个难以解决问题

    But in the existing threshold signature scheme, conspiracy attack is still a problem which is difficult to solve.


  • 液压管路流量压力脉动问题一个复杂而又难以解决问题

    The flow rate and pressed pulsation in the pipe of liquid pressure is a such a complicated problem that it is hard to solve.


  • 那时那地,显得多么渺小遇到一点难以解决问题便

    But then and there, people have looked how small, encountered a little difficult to solve the problem is to ask wall.


  • 文末提出论文本身所存在难以解决问题作为后续研究的内容。

    Of course, there are some problems hard to solve within the paper itself, and in needs further researching as well.


  • 视频数据库研究领域,视频场景分割一个重要而又难以解决问题

    For creating video database, segmentation of video scene has been an important problem hard to solve.


  • 励磁故障涉及发电机大干扰稳定性,也是一个较为复杂难以解决的问题

    The excitation protection is a complex problem because the excitation faults are related to the large-disturbance stability of generators.


  • 造纸黑液治理技术蒸发器结垢黑液蒸发普遍存在难以解决问题之一。

    Incrustation of evaporator liquid room was the general existence and a problem difficult to solve in black liquid evaporation.


  • 目前使用离线式IC公用电话系统应用过程中存在着种种难以解决问题

    There are many problems in the off_line IC card payphone system used at the present time. It is very difficult to solve those problems.


  • 对于靶场试射瞎弹处理一直一个难以解决的问题至今没有得到妥善解决

    The disposal of a dud in the shooting range is always a difficult problem, and it is never well solved till now.


  • 我国高校现行专业人员职务晋升机制日益暴露出许多自身难以解决的问题

    The academic promotion system for college-based personnel has increasingly had problems that cannot be solved within the systems own framework.


  • 永安社区卫生一直难以解决问题今天抽空了一照片,大家来侃侃吧。

    In Yongan community's health has been the question which solves with difficulty, today found time to make group of pictures, everybody came directly.


  • 无网格处理有限元难以解决的问题具有显著的优势,且前后处理比较简单

    Meshless methods were preponderant in dealing with problems when it was difficult to employ finite element method. And they could simplify pre-and post-processings.


  • 垃圾滤液处理垃圾填埋场设计运行管理非常关键难以解决的问题

    Treatment of municipal landfill leachate is very crucial and difficult in the process of design, operation and management for landfill.


  • 辐射支持的流体模型已经得到比较多研究看来存在一些难以解决的问题

    The radiation pressure supported thick accretion disk model has been studied more extensively, and it seems to have some difficulties.


  • 世界性饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题恐怕人们一辈子都不出解决的办法。

    The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack . I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime.


  • 认为物质需求是无限的”这种观点,无论理论上实践遇到难以解决的问题

    The concept that "human beings have unlimited material needs" should be critically examined again since it is being severely challenged both in theory and in practice.


  • 陶瓷材料强度测试技术一直是个难以解决问题抗弯强度的测定则已经较成熟简便

    The measuring technique of tensile strength of ceramics is usually sophisticated, but it is easy for us to measure the bending strength of ceramics.


  • 众所周知载体方位问题导航一直难以解决的问题特别是载体处于静态直线运动时

    The azimuth is always a difficult problem in navigation, especially when the carrier is static or makes a linear motion.


  • EPS保温系统目前建筑节能工程中广泛应用但是系统开裂一直工程界难以解决的问题

    EPS external wall insulation system is used extensively at present, but the cracking of this system is urgent to be solved.


  • 通过可重用组件组装软件过程,最难以解决的问题就是如何将软件部署日益增长的连接设备上去。

    When assembling software out of reusable components, the task of deploying software onto an ever increasing number of connected devices is not trivial to solve.


  • 答案是的如果消费者因为自愿数据提供给系统而得到补偿当然很好只是一个现在难以解决问题

    The answer is yes, it would be nice if there was a way for consumers to be compensated for opting in giving data to the ecosystem, it's just a hard problem to solve right now.


  • 典型Web2.0创业公司试图解决网络上一直难以解决问题RSS阅读评论分离

    It's also is a classic web 2.0 startup which will attempt to solve one of the web's most frustrating issues, i.e. the separation of reading RSS feeds from being able to comment on the post.


  • 典型Web2.0创业公司试图解决网络上一直难以解决问题RSS阅读评论分离

    It's also is a classic web 2.0 startup which will attempt to solve one of the web's most frustrating issues, i.e. the separation of reading RSS feeds from being able to comment on the post.


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