• 目前有机农产品更大需求

    There's an increased demand for organic produce these days.


  • 患者各种需求总是相互重合

    The needs of patients invariably overlap.


  • 政策僵化需求就产生变化

    Needs change while policies fossilize.


  • 公司必须顾客需求作出积极反应。

    Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand.


  • 有资格教师需求远远超过了供应

    Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.


  • 大多数人民需求完全没有反应

    He was totally unresponsive to the needs of the majority of the population.


  • 国民生产总值增长率依赖需求的增长率。

    The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.


  • 首先我们建立我们客户及其需求详细资料

    We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.


  • 那些从事一般工作普通人的需求观点忽视了

    The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored.


  • 场主经常赔本生产木料,以便需求低迷期过来。

    Timber owners have often produced lumber at a loss and survived these down cycles in demand.


  • 已经迫使多家航空公司机票大幅打折刺激需求

    This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand.


  • 劳动力走俏市场上雇主需求超过工人供应

    In a tight labour market, demand by employers exceeds the available supply of workers.


  • 只要这些毒品需求,也就存在着对贩毒者经济诱因

    So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.


  • 学生们应该了解哪家银行服务适合他们财务需求

    Students should look to see which bank offers them the service that best suits their financial needs.


  • 一些情况下美国工业在设计产品时忽略顾客需求

    In some cases, U.S. industry has lost sight of customer needs in designing products.


  • 制造商需求增加刺激而扩大生产品种提高产品质量

    As demand has increased, so manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify and improve quality.


  • 医护需求自己挑选医生即初级保健医生来协调

    Your health care needs are coordinated by a physician you select called a Primary Care Physician (PCP).


  • 该国这场战争执迷不悟可能会令其推迟认真地审视国内需求

    The country's fixation on the war may delay a serious examination of domestic needs.


  • 19891990年,需求大于供给物价上涨了三分之一

    In 1989 and 1990 demand outstripped supply, and prices went up by more than a third.


  • 这些脚本来讲是大开眼界的事。证明如果需求紧迫任何事情

    Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener for me. It proves that you can do anything if the need is urgent.


  • 尽管市场一直疲软,房价持续偏高然而需求的减少还是二手房价格产生影响

    Although the market has been flat, residential property costs remain high. Nevertheless, the fall-off in demand has had an impact on resale values.


  • 便宜眼镜需求急剧上升

    The demand for more affordable glasses rose drastically.


  • 这种秘密产品需求大幅减少

    The demand for the clandestine product would be substantially reduced.


  • 问题市场能否消化这些资金需求

    The question is whether the markets can absorb these demands for funds.


  • 这个技术帮助确定任何需求起源

    This technique helps you determine the origin of any requirement.


  • 强调:“我们必须展示效果创造需求。”

    "We have to demonstrate results to create demand," She stresses.


  • 这些政策引发经常需要团队合作资金需求

    These policies underlie funding requirements that often require teamwork.


  • 这些需求必须创造室内空间需求相平衡某种方式提升建立提升公司形象

    These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors that in some way enhance, establish, or promote a company's image.


  • 对话流程满足社会需求之一人类同步”的需求——即保持“同步性”相互协调性

    One of the social needs addressed by conversational flow is the human need for "synchrony"—to be "in sync" or in harmony with one another.


  • 我们满足一个特殊客户群需求

    We cater to an exclusive clientele.


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