• 需求价格弹性商品商品使用财产密切相连的。

    Price elasticity of demand for commodities and commodity level of use of property are closely linked.


  • 文章主要阐述需求价格弹性概念及其经济应用

    It focuses on the concept of price elasticity of demand and application in economics.


  • 需求价格弹性经济理论定量分析具有广泛的应用性

    There is widespread application of the price elasticity of demand in the quantitative analysis of economical theory.


  • 需求价格弹性常数非线性条件下模型进行探讨

    This article discusses the Cournot model under nonlinear demand and the price elasticity of demand as a constant.


  • 一位发言人,由于燃油需求价格对冲,EBITDA减少9百万欧元。

    Ebitda was hit by EUR9 million in charges related to a fuel hedging, a spokeswoman said.


  • 基于价格折扣条件的报童模型,研究了分销商面向拐的需求价格曲线

    Based on the newsboy model for price discounts, the bended price-demand curve for distributors is analyzed.


  • 根据行业不同特征不同的天然气用户采用不同的需求价格评价方法

    It is necessary to take different methods to appraise demand prices for different natural gas users according to the different industrial characteristics.


  • 另外通过算例仿真分析需求价格弹性发电数目对于市场影响

    Furthermore, numerical simulations are given in this paper, which are used to demonstrate the impacts of demand elasticity and the number of power generators on market power.


  • 研究结果表明,为了实现既定需求价格弹性边际收益,对应的需求函数无穷多个

    The results show that there are infinite demand functions which can realize given demand price elasticity and given marginal return.


  • 需求价格收入变动影响,可以分为需求价格弹性需求收入弹性、需求交叉弹性。

    The demand is affected by price and income, classified as price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand.


  • 供应链集成角度出发,整体利益最大化目标遵循市场规律引入了产品的需求价格弹性因素

    Starting from supply chain integration, taking the maximum profit as a target and following the market regulations, a factor of demand price elasticity was introduced.


  • 此外,基于电力需求价格弹性理论研究,经济学角度论文对安全电价的意义和作用进行了解释

    In addition, by researching the theory of price elasticity of electric demand in the paper, function of security price is explained from the economic Angle.


  • 较大的分类用户,如电力工业化工用户等,其市场价格变动趋势相应影响天然气需求价格的变动趋势。

    The market and price fluctuation trend from electric power and chemical industries will also influence natural gas demand price fluctuation trend in return.


  • 通过分析不同部门用水需求价格弹性价格承受能力成本核算方法对不同类型水资源配置中的价格调节潜力做出估算

    Through analyses price flexibility and price supporting capability of water use in different departments, estimates the potential of price adjusting in vary types water resource configuration.


  • 在上述假设和健康护理需求价格弹性缺乏弹性假设下,确定关于健康护理生产率的不确定时,可以得到同样结论

    Provided also that the demand for health care is own-price inelastic, the same conclusion is obtained when the uncertainty is about the productivity of health care.


  • 竞争性市场结构使化肥长期均衡价格等于生产经营成本;非竞争性的市场结构将使化肥价格决定于农民对化肥的需求价格

    The long equilibrium price in emulous fertilizer market will equal to its productive and management cost, and will determinated by demand price in non-emulous fertilizer market.


  • 中等发达地区医疗需求价格弹性研究表明,1991—1998年间医院并未从次均医疗费用的持续过快增长获得更多的收入。

    The price elasticity of medical demand in middle -economic -level areas was analyzed during 1991-1998 in this paper.


  • 尽管市场一直疲软,房价持续偏高然而需求的减少还是二手房价格产生影响

    Although the market has been flat, residential property costs remain high. Nevertheless, the fall-off in demand has had an impact on resale values.


  • 同样自动化最终应该提高生产力通过降低价格来刺激需求工人繁重乏味工作中解脱出来。

    Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.


  • 虽然提高砍伐树木转化为木材产品效率可能会降低收获但它通过增加供应降低价格来刺激需求从而促进消费

    Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.


  • 经济低迷正在抑制市场石油天然气需求,导致基准原油价格跌破每桶50美元。

    The economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50.


  • 全球玉米需求不断增长导致了玉米市场价格急剧上涨,而玉米价格可能继续保持在高位

    Escalating worldwide demand for corn has led to a sharp increase in the market price of corn, and corn prices are likely to remain high.


  • 是因为能源需求快速增长需要供应大量投资更别说不断上涨能源价格消耗了。

    That's because quickly growing energy demand requires immense investment in new supply, not to mention the drain of rising energy prices.


  • 食品需求增长速度大于供应增长速度,导致食品价格上涨,这给许多国家政府带来严重压力

    As demand for food rises faster than supplies are growing, the resulting food-price inflation puts severe stress on the governments of many countries.


  • 因为供应过剩需求下降,煤炭价格尤其是消耗全球一半煤炭中国需求下降。

    Coal prices also are low, owing to over-supply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which burns half of the world's coal.


  • 煤炭价格,原因是供应过剩需求下降,尤其是来自中国需求,中国消耗全球一半的煤炭。

    Coal prices also are low, owing to oversupply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which bums half of the world's coal.


  • 呼吁建立新的农业应急法律缓和全世界对于基础产品需求价格的减少带来的冲击。

    He also calls for the creation of a new agricultural emergency law to help mitigate the drop in world demand and prices for primary products.


  • 随着需求减少价格降低

    According as the demand decreases, prices will go down.


  • 但是抱怨亚洲能源低价政策导致上升全球石油需求价格美国应该管好自己。

    But Americans who blame rising global oil demand and prices on Asia's cheap-energy policies should look closer to home too.


  • 但是抱怨亚洲能源低价政策导致上升全球石油需求价格美国应该管好自己。

    But Americans who blame rising global oil demand and prices on Asia's cheap-energy policies should look closer to home too.


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