• 周杰伦-青花瓷钢琴版

    Jay Chou - Blue Porcelain Vase Piano.


  • 青花瓷出现陶瓷史上具有划时代意义

    The emergence of blue and white porcelain is of epoch-making significance in porcelain history.


  • 青花记忆-元代青花瓷文化展,北京中国

    The Memory for Blue and White Porcelain of Yuan Dynasty, Bei Jing, China.


  • 青花瓷中国瓷器主流品种之一白底为主要特征。

    Blue and white porcelain, one of the most common types of Chinese porcelain, is characterized by a white background with blue flowers.


  • 一位顾客告诉记者十分喜欢青花瓷挂历非常素雅

    A customer told reporters that he would very much like the blue and white calendar, very simple and elegant.


  • 被称为瓷都江西景德镇元代出产青花瓷成为瓷器的代表。

    Called the ceramics capital of jingdezhen yuan dynasty in the produce has become the representative of the blue porcelain.


  • 举例来说,如果青花瓷原物做比较,那么你分辨不出真伪的

    For example, if you don't look carefully at life-sized replicas of blue and white porcelains you wouldn't be able to tell if they are real.


  • 产品采用上等骨质最好原料保证青花瓷致、细腻、白润。

    This product adopts classy ossein porcelain, with the best porcelain making raw material guarantee of blue and white porcelain Kennedy on to, fine and juicy.


  • 喜欢任何形状青花瓷收藏在不断扩大中,我这个估计一辈子的爱好。

    I have a thing for blue and white China in any shape or form; I think it may be a lifetime thing, as my collection is continually growing!


  • 中国经典所有元素都会诠释聚光灯青花瓷中国武术表演将会重头戏。

    All the elements of "Classic China" were under the spotlight. Blue and white porcelain and Chinese martial arts performances were big features.


  • 本文选择地介绍其中的精品附带对乾隆青花瓷的瓷品特点样式种类说明

    The article chooses some classic ones to introduce and illustrate their characters, style and types.


  • 建筑立面材质运用纯净白色外,玻璃处理上引用了传统中国元素——青花瓷

    The exterior materials of the elevation adopt pure white, and a traditional Chinese element – blue and white porcelain is employed on glass treatment.


  • 采用中国传统设计元素镶嵌青花瓷创意独到匠心独具,实用艺术欣赏收藏一体

    Using traditional Chinese design elements, enchase blue and white porcelain. Creative original, the craftsmanship, set practical, art, appreciate, the collection as one.


  • 青花瓷中国北方艺术界达到了堪称无与伦比的境界。在其他艺术领域的造诣也不容忽视。

    While Dongzi's blue white porcelain art is unrivaled in northern China, her talent in other artistic areas should not be overlooked.


  • 江西馆外形类似于一个巨大青花瓷容器描绘出江西作为无数人才丰富的自然源之乡的特殊魅力

    The pavilion, resembling a huge blue and white porcelain container, depicts the peculiar charm of Jiangxi as home to a myriad of talents and natural resources.


  • 日前进行北大自主招生笔试中,有题目引用周杰伦歌曲《青花瓷》中的歌词,请考生其中的语法错误

    Part of the lyrics "Blue and White Porcelain" vocalized by Taiwan pop star Jay Chou were picked out for students to inspect grammar faults earlier this week.


  • 中国首次制作瓷器大约公元600年左右,不过直到元代(1270- 1368),青花瓷才面世

    Porcelain was first produced in China around AD 600, but it is not until the Yuan dynasty (1270-1368) that blue-and-white porcelain was first made.


  • 图纹优美青花喙嘴,马蹬形金属钉固定的壶柄,清乾隆(1736- 1795)时期出口欧洲外销瓷。

    A well painted underglaze blue decorated, stirrup-handled, "sparrows beak" jug made in China for export to Europe during the reign of the Qianlong emperor (1736-1795).


  • 慈禧太后地方就富丽堂皇了,脸盆青花瓷如意也是的,床上钩子纯金的,装饰用南海珊瑚

    Empresss dowager place to live is more gorgeous, with a wash basin is blue and white porcelain, also pure jade ruyi, bed of hook was pure gold, decorated with the south China sea corals.


  • 展馆外形犹如一个放大青花瓷容器,让洁白釉彩古老花纹感受到江西物华天宝、人杰地灵独特魅力

    Hall of shape like a blue and white porcelain vessels to enlarge, people in white glaze and blue pattern in the old sense of Jiangxi nature's treasures, the unique charm of outstanding people.


  • 购买青花瓷或剪纸艺术任何款,送微软官方礼盒装限量版青花只,如下图 不论哪里工作收发器均能插移动电脑内,不会丢掉。

    Keep moving with a transceiver that stays in your mobile PC when you go and a mouse that works on more surfaces with Microsoft?


  • 我细数了一下,大杂烩节目大致占据半壁江山,看似节目整体缩短分量当年,青花瓷一曲周杰伦独唱,应该说是给足了面子,偌大一个舞台无人争锋

    More than half of the programs are of this kind. The program become shorter but the content is not shorter. So the program of Jay is glorious because no body plunders the stage with him.


  • 我细数了一下,大杂烩节目大致占据半壁江山,看似节目整体缩短分量当年,青花瓷一曲周杰伦独唱,应该说是给足了面子,偌大一个舞台无人争锋

    More than half of the programs are of this kind. The program become shorter but the content is not shorter. So the program of Jay is glorious because no body plunders the stage with him.


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