• 平衡试桩一种新的荷载试桩方法

    The O-cell pile testing (OPT) method is a new axial static load test of pile.


  • 结果表明,单桶基础的竖直水平循环承载力取决于所受到荷载大小。

    Results show that the vertical and horizontal cyclic failure loads depended on static loads.


  • 然而等效荷载指定实务守则考虑一现象纳入动态放大因子

    However, the equivalent static loads specified in codes of practice take account of this phenomenon and incorporate a 'dynamic amplification' factor.


  • 在实际工程中,许多混凝土结构不仅承受荷载作用,还承受重复荷载作用。

    Load bearing capacity of corroded RC beams under repeated loading was investigated both theoretically and experimentally.


  • 通过对该桥梁跨度荷载检验变形曲线进行分析得出了其结构变形有关结论

    Relevant conclusions of structure deformation are gotten through the analysis of deformation curve of static load test of bridge span.


  • 分析材料非线性阻尼初始几何缺陷、初始荷载等因素结构动力稳定性影响

    The effects of material nonlinearity, damping, initial geometric imperfection and initial static load on structure dynamic stability have been analyzed.


  • 实际工程钢筋混凝土不仅承受荷载重复荷载作用,可能承受反复荷载作用。

    Concrete structures may bear not only static or repeated loading, but also cyclic loading in practical engineering.


  • 简要介绍了城市轻轨钢轨道在工厂内进行荷载试验方法步骤,同类工程具有借鉴意义。

    On the base of static load experiment and the finite element method, three major contents have been made.


  • 承受较大荷载设备(大型风机),荷载应分项注明。(包括荷载,活荷载和动荷载)。

    For equipment subject to considerable dynamic loads (e. g. heavy-duty fans) the individual load rates of the equipment are specified (dead load, live load and dynamic loads).


  • 介绍平衡深层平板载荷试验原理、试验设备试验方法传统荷载试验进行效益对比分析。

    It introduces the principle, equipment and method of deep plate loading test by self-balance method, and compares it with the traditional loading test of single pile.


  • 采用现场荷载试验所得到垂直承载力标准值基本、最合理的,它是桩基础设计主要可靠的依据。

    The standard value from the spot dead load experiment is the most important and reliable basis of the stake base design.


  • 前人已经理论实践证实了,移动车辆荷载作用下,桥梁结构产生相同荷载作用下更大变形应力

    Predecessors have affirmed through both theoretics and practices that the vehicle moving loads would lead to more deformations and stresses for bridge structures than the equivalent static loads.


  • 并且,以1000循环振次例,给出一定荷载作用,软土地基础可以承受最大循环荷载范围

    And the range of cyclic loads that single bucket foundation can be subjected has been determined under certain static loads for 1000 number of cycles to failure.


  • 前人已经理论实践证实了,移动车辆荷载作用下,桥梁结构产生相同荷载作用下更大变形应力

    Predecessors have affirmed through both theoretic and practices that the vehicle moving loads would lead to more deformations and stresses for bridge structures than the equivalent static loads.


  • 公路建成通车受到附加应力水平随即发生改变,除原来填土路荷载作用外,还受行车荷载的作用。

    When road is put into use after completion, the additional stresses on the soft subgrade soil will be changed, which are composed of static stress and dynamic stress.


  • 一个荷载近似附加荷载时,荷载包括此类附加静荷载。附加静荷载包括通常出现来自冲击振动荷载

    When a dynamic load is approximated to an additional static load, this additional load, which stems from normally occurring conditions of impacts and vibrations, is included in this load category.


  • 沥青混凝土作为一种广泛应用的工程材料其工作过程中,除承受荷载作用外,还要承受爆炸、撞击荷载的作用。

    As a widely used engineering material, asphalt concrete is supposed to quasi-static load as well as action of mobile load from explosion and impact and so on during working process.


  • 找出了临界室埋深偏移距离变化规律确定出了路基治理范围同时荷载效应进行了对比分析。

    The law of critical depth varying with diameter and deviation distance and the hidden holes handling range under subgrade were found out; also the effects of dynamic and static load were compared.


  • 介绍软弱岩体荷载测试钻孔原理方法,并将该法运用到现场,得到了软弱岩体的压力变形的两特殊形式。

    The principle of a new static loading test method for weak rock masses, a method of borehole elastic modulus gauge, is described.


  • 通过不同条件下沥青路面全厚度车辙试验,就中面层沥青类型荷载、路面材料结构组合设计以及温度因素沥青路面车辙的影响进行了研究。

    There were many factors that resulted in rutting of asphalt pavement, including asphalt type, static load levels, materials, structure combination and temperature and so on.


  • 本文较为直观显示了,混凝土受到荷载不同加载速率冲击荷载作用时,力学性能损伤破坏的特点,为研究混凝土梁力学性能及损伤状况提供了新的途径

    The mechanical properties and the situation of damage and failure element of concrete in different kinds of load were displayed in this paper. And a new method on study concrete was proposed.


  • 采用现行规范规定承载力地基桩的支承阻力两项的计算确定竖向抗压试验的试验荷载

    Based on the demand of present code, using the calculation of bearing capacity of pile shaft and subgrade bearing capacity for pile, vertical experimental load of embedded rock pile is ensured.


  • 一个结构受到荷载分为包括结构物部分重量由于可移动设备重量引起的载。

    The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads, which include the weights of parts of the structure, and live loads, which are due to the weights of people, movable equipment, etc.


  • 结果表明实际计算中,可以乘以某一放大系数”作为计算荷载进行分析

    The results show that the dynamic stability analysis can be replaced by quasi-static method with the static load multiplying an amplification factor in calculation.


  • 通过挤扩桩身试验和测试的结果,分析竖向荷载作用下的荷载传递机理

    The mechanism of load transfer on the vertical loading through the analysis of squeezed branch piles' field static loading test is analyzed.


  • 根据试验数据传统试桩结果进行转化对比,并桩的承载性能荷载传递特点进行了分析

    The test results are converted to load-settlement curves of conventional testing method and the bearing behavior and load transfer characteristics are analyzed.


  • 常规陆上荷载不同压力不仅是外加循环表面力,而且是海床表面孔隙水压力边界条件

    Different from cyclic loading acted on onshore foundation, the wave pressure plays double roles as: the surface loading imposed on the mudline and the boundary condition of excess pore pressure.


  • 通过沿海某大型火电厂主厂房地基超长钻孔灌注桩试验桩身测试探讨土地基中超长钻孔灌注桩承载力性状和荷载传递机理

    According to the static loading test and the axial force test, the bearing capacity and load transfer mechanism of the over-length pile in the littoral soft clay are discussed.


  • 介绍东海大桥部分PHC试桩应变动竖向水平荷载试验情况。

    The high strain dynamic load tests, vertical static load tests and horizontal load tests for part of PHC trial piles of East China Sea Bridge are described.


  • 介绍东海大桥部分PHC试桩应变动竖向水平荷载试验情况。

    The high strain dynamic load tests, vertical static load tests and horizontal load tests for part of PHC trial piles of East China Sea Bridge are described.


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