In Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology, a system interface is most often viewed as a contract.
This article based on the UML, narrated one kind of an object-oriented analysis and design method for modeling process which based on the UML.
Solid understanding of Unified Modeling Language (UML). Able to conduct object-oriented analysis and design with UML-based methods and tools;
In accordance with the layer features of mechanical equipment a modeling system of mechanical equipment was developed by introducing an object oriented analysis and design.
UML is a standard object-oriented modeling language. It is not only used in object -oriented analysis and design but also used in whole process from demand analysis to system realization.
As you can see with this example, the line between analysis and design is fuzzy with object-oriented development and experienced developers new to object orientation can take time to get used to this.
Similarly, in the early days of Object Oriented Analysis and Design we were faced with a fragmented market with conflicting notations and standards.
UML is a tried and tested modeling tool for object-oriented systems, and it is attractive for developers, business analysts, and vendors as a medium for designing XML schemas.
These are tools that the oo designer puts to use in order to structure the analysis, the design, and the implementation, but they aren't central to what makes an oo program object-oriented.
This academic year, as in the last few years, my schedule started out by teaching a course in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD).
The approach promised to dramatically improve the adaptability of software and is now an accepted principle in object-oriented analysis and design theory.
As James Martin and James Odell wrote long time ago in their book "Object-Oriented Analysis and design," analysts, designers, and implementers should all use the same system model.
This paper analyses the technique of establishing the object model for application system by using the UML method and of designing database which is realized by making use of the object model.
This paper describes the technology and method in developing university laboratory's management information system by Object-Oriented analysis and Object-Oriented design.
And then, data structure and classes grade were built up, the objects and the model of the software system were completed.
This software is analyzed, designed and implemented with object-oriented method.
A model of generic report is designed based on Object-Oriented method by the analysis of the structure of generic report, and the function of print and user-defined in generic report is realized.
In object oriented methodology, class model is an important static model to describe analysis result and design result.
The OOD method is a sort of analyzing, designing and thinking methods.
This paper is to describe the match-management system analysis and design process by using the face object methods.
The unified modeling language (UML) is an object-oriented and strictly defined visualizing data modeling language. It has been gradually adopted in analysis and design of GIS application engineering.
Based on the function requirement analysis, object-oriented analysis and design concept were applied on system software static function and dynamic action analysis.
This paper presents the technology and method in developing the information system of appraising wine by Objectoriented analysis and Objectoriented design.
Software engineering process RUP adopts the orient-object method, and it provides appropriate rules and tools in demand management, analysis designing, configuration and changing management for users.
This paper analyzes the problems which exists in traditional requirement engineering, and brings up a new way of thinking of system requirement engineering based on object oriented method.
Object oriented method is applied to analyze and describe the typical parts, parametric modeling and model-view-control (MVC) design mode are used to realize the database design and development.
在分析OD BC和ASP等相关应用技术的基础上,结合医院信息系统的应用特性,提出了一类面向对象应用的设计方案,并对系统进行了具体开发。
With the analyses of correlative techniques, such as ODBC and ASP, and the application characteristics of his, this paper develops an object-oriented design project and its application system.
Object - oriented programming design and structured programming design have different characteristics, which are compared and analyzed in this paper.
Object - oriented programming design and structured programming design have different characteristics, which are compared and analyzed in this paper.