• 面向对象分析设计方法中,系统接口通常视为契约

    In Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology, a system interface is most often viewed as a contract.


  • 本文uml为基础,讲述了基于UML面向对象的分析设计方法建模过程

    This article based on the UML, narrated one kind of an object-oriented analysis and design method for modeling process which based on the UML.


  • 熟悉统一建模语言UML),运用UML的方法工具进行面向对象分析设计

    Solid understanding of Unified Modeling Language (UML). Able to conduct object-oriented analysis and design with UML-based methods and tools;


  • 针对机械设备层次性特点引入面向对象分析设计方法,完成了机械设备建模系统

    In accordance with the layer features of mechanical equipment a modeling system of mechanical equipment was developed by introducing an object oriented analysis and design.


  • UML一种基于面向对象技术的标准建模语言不仅支持面向对象分析设计而且支持需求分析系统实现的软件开发的全过程

    UML is a standard object-oriented modeling language. It is not only used in object -oriented analysis and design but also used in whole process from demand analysis to system realization.


  • 正如这个示例中,在面向对象开发中,分析设计的界限模糊的,那些不熟悉面向对象经验开发人员可能花一些时间才能习惯这点

    As you can see with this example, the line between analysis and design is fuzzy with object-oriented development and experienced developers new to object orientation can take time to get used to this.


  • 类似地面向对象分析设计早期我们面临抵触标记标准零碎市场

    Similarly, in the early days of Object Oriented Analysis and Design we were faced with a fragmented market with conflicting notations and standards.


  • UML种经过试验测试的用于面向对象系统建模工具作为设计XML模式一种媒介,开发人员业务分析人员供应商都具吸引力。

    UML is a tried and tested modeling tool for object-oriented systems, and it is attractive for developers, business analysts, and vendors as a medium for designing XML schemas.


  • 这些OO设计人员用来构成分析设计实现工具它们不是使程序面向对象主要部分。

    These are tools that the oo designer puts to use in order to structure the analysis, the design, and the implementation, but they aren't central to what makes an oo program object-oriented.


  • 几年学术生涯教授面向对象分析设计OOAD)的课程

    This academic year, as in the last few years, my schedule started out by teaching a course in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD).


  • 11方法大大提高软件适应性现在已经成为广为接受的面向对象分析设计理论原则

    The approach promised to dramatically improve the adaptability of software and is now an accepted principle in object-oriented analysis and design theory.


  • 正如JamesMartinJamesOdell很久以前面向对象分析设计》中所的,分析设计实现者应该使用同一系统模型

    As James Martin and James Odell wrote long time ago in their book "Object-Oriented Analysis and design," analysts, designers, and implementers should all use the same system model.


  • 本文通过利用UML方法系统进行分析设计建立对象模型,借助系统对象模型来实现面向对象数据库设计

    This paper analyses the technique of establishing the object model for application system by using the UML method and of designing database which is realized by making use of the object model.


  • 主要论述面向对象的方法开发高等学校实验室信息管理系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper describes the technology and method in developing university laboratory's management information system by Object-Oriented analysis and Object-Oriented design.


  • 建立了合理数据结构适当的等级,从而完成了整个软件系统面向对象分析设计模型

    And then, data structure and classes grade were built up, the objects and the model of the software system were completed.


  • 软件采用面向对象方法进行分析设计实现

    This software is analyzed, designed and implemented with object-oriented method.


  • 通过通用报表结构分析,用面向对象的方法设计个通用报表模型实现了通用报表的打印用户定制功能

    A model of generic report is designed based on Object-Oriented method by the analysis of the structure of generic report, and the function of print and user-defined in generic report is realized.


  • 面向对象方法模型一种描述分析设计结果重要静态模型。

    In object oriented methodology, class model is an important static model to describe analysis result and design result.


  • 面向对象的方法分析方法设计方法思维方法。

    The OOD method is a sort of analyzing, designing and thinking methods.


  • 本文介绍了用面向对象方法飞机成附件配套管理系统进行分析设计过程

    This paper is to describe the match-management system analysis and design process by using the face object methods.


  • 统一建模语言UML一种面向对象定义明确可视化系统建模语言,地理信息系统工程分析设计逐渐被采用

    The unified modeling language (UML) is an object-oriented and strictly defined visualizing data modeling language. It has been gradually adopted in analysis and design of GIS application engineering.


  • 进行功能需求分析基础上,面向对象的分析设计思想应用系统软件静态功能动态行为分析

    Based on the function requirement analysis, object-oriented analysis and design concept were applied on system software static function and dynamic action analysis.


  • 主要论述面向对象方法开发信息系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper presents the technology and method in developing the information system of appraising wine by Objectoriented analysis and Objectoriented design.


  • 软件工程过程RUP采用面向对象的方法需求管理分析设计配置变更管理等方面开发人员提供准则相应的管理工具

    Software engineering process RUP adopts the orient-object method, and it provides appropriate rules and tools in demand management, analysis designing, configuration and changing management for users.


  • 分析传统系统需求存在问题提出了基于面向对象方法系统需求工程分析设计思路

    This paper analyzes the problems which exists in traditional requirement engineering, and brings up a new way of thinking of system requirement engineering based on object oriented method.


  • 采用面向对象思想对典型结构件进行分析并基于参数化造型方法模型视图控制设计模式实现典型结构件设计开发

    Object oriented method is applied to analyze and describe the typical parts, parametric modeling and model-view-control (MVC) design mode are used to realize the database design and development.


  • 分析OD BCASP相关应用技术基础上,结合医院信息系统应用特性提出了一类面向对象应用的设计方案对系统进行了具体开发。

    With the analyses of correlative techniques, such as ODBC and ASP, and the application characteristics of his, this paper develops an object-oriented design project and its application system.


  • 面向对象程序设计结构化程序设计具有不同特征,我们将对这些不同特征进行比较分析

    Object - oriented programming design and structured programming design have different characteristics, which are compared and analyzed in this paper.


  • 面向对象程序设计结构化程序设计具有不同特征,我们将对这些不同特征进行比较分析

    Object - oriented programming design and structured programming design have different characteristics, which are compared and analyzed in this paper.


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