• 使用面向对象设计方法开发预测软件结构合理、界面友好,具有联机帮助功能。

    The prediction system, which is with online help, is developed with object-oriented methodology.


  • 传统面向对象设计方法建立对象一致性基础之上的,沿着业务对象链。哈哈

    The traditional object-oriented approach is based on objects with identity, along the lines of Domain Model.


  • 设计过程中采用面向对象设计方法构造多项式节点类,其中声明相应属性操作

    In the design process using object-oriented design, construct a polynomial class and node class, and the corresponding statement in which the attributes and operations.


  • 系统面向对象设计方法应用实例其突出特点万能”通用性、容量用户自维护、智能化判断

    The system is a instance of OOD method with many prominent trait such as omnipotence general, great capacity, easy-to-maintain by users, intellectualized judge and so on.


  • 该文针对当前研究热点问题——界面自然语言理解应用设计一个基于面向对象设计方法的受限自然语言数据库查询系统

    This paper aims at a hot researched question-the application of natural language comprehension in interface, designs a limited nature language database query system based on object-oriented design.


  • 运用图形CAD系统量化设计思想,结合图形特征基于软件工程中的面向对象设计方法,开发轮胎胶囊模具CAD软件系统。

    Combined with the characters of the graphics and variational parameters, a CAD system was developed, based on object oriented method for designing tire bladder and its mould.


  • 文中应用面向对象设计方法针对消除隐藏线算法 ,为由、直线段、多边形构成立体图形设计一种实体模型 ,该实体模型具有封装性和可维护性面向对象设计方法的优点。

    In this paper, based on object-oriented design, we design an efficient solid model for 3-dimension object constructed by point, straight line and polygon to accomplish hidden-line detection method.


  • 作为抽象主要方法使用面向对象框架设计是很关键

    The use of the class as the primary means of abstraction is key to object-oriented framework design.


  • 设计一个面向对象框架时,实际上可以使用两种抽象工具方法

    When you design an object-oriented framework, you have essentially two abstraction tools available: methods and classes.


  • 知道是否我们达到构建系统时将AOP作为主要设计机制的地步,但是我认为我们将会找到使用方面增强我们面向对象设计方法

    I don't know if we will get to the point where we build systems where we consider AOP the primary design mechanism, but I do think we will find ways to enhance our OO designs with aspects.


  • 面向对象分析设计方法中,系统接口通常视为契约

    In Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology, a system interface is most often viewed as a contract.


  • 伴随着这些语言出现还有令人惊叹难以理解的面向对象(object-oriented(OO))软件设计方法建模符号

    These were accompanied by a prodigious and confusing glut of object-oriented (OO) software design methods and modeling notations.


  • 设计有时可以支配选择例如类型扩展基本类型则更加趋向于面向对象方法

    Your design can sometimes dictate which choice you make; for example, extending base types with subtypes is clearly a more object-oriented approach.


  • 通过应用面向对象设计方法管理单个J2EE组件实现接口如何变化可以更好地对此进行处理

    This can be better handled by applying techniques of object-oriented design to manage how individual J2EE component implementation classes and interfaces evolve.


  • 模式密集可能导致成熟面向对象框架难以修改,但面向对象开发人员设计系统方法所带来的自然结果

    Pattern density, which can make mature object-oriented frameworks hard to change, is a natural result of the way object-oriented developers design systems.


  • 此种抽象要求具备完全面向对象程序设计语言功能一个具有健壮的映射方法的语言。

    Such abstraction would require the capabilities of a full-fledged object-oriented programming language? One that is replete with robust reflection methods.


  • 面向对象设计传递对象通常能提供较好的封装因为对象字段变化需要改变方法签名

    With object-oriented designs, passing the object often provides better encapsulation, in that changes in the object fields don't require changes to the method signature.


  • 对此问题目前还没有好的解决方法但是看到,这两原则的目的一致的,那就是设计好的面向对象的产品。

    I don't have a perfect answer for resolving it, but I think there's a parallel here to good object-oriented design.


  • UML设计开发者提供一个面向对象系统它们内部之间交互过程实现可视化方法

    UML has given architects and developers a way of visually understanding object-orientated systems and their interactions.


  • 11方法大大提高软件适应性现在已经成为广为接受的面向对象分析设计理论原则

    The approach promised to dramatically improve the adaptability of software and is now an accepted principle in object-oriented analysis and design theory.


  • 类情况个典型的例子就是使用UnifiedModelingLanguage (uml)将个走尽头的结构化设计方法移植一个面向对象设计方法

    An example in this category is the migration from a structured design method for a tool facing end-of-life to an object-oriented design method using the Unified Modeling Language (UML).


  • 软件采用面向对象方法进行分析、设计实现

    This software is analyzed, designed and implemented with object-oriented method.


  • 本文通过利用UML方法系统进行分析设计建立对象模型,借助系统对象模型来实现面向对象数据库设计

    This paper analyses the technique of establishing the object model for application system by using the UML method and of designing database which is realized by making use of the object model.


  • 如何选择适当时间地点使用面向对象程序设计方法,而不是过程化程序设计方法对于成功开发游戏非常的重要。

    Identifying the appropriate time and place for using an object oriented-programming approach versus a procedural approach can make an enormous difference in the success of your game.


  • 主要论述面向对象方法开发高等学校实验室信息管理系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper describes the technology and method in developing university laboratory's management information system by Object-Oriented analysis and Object-Oriented design.


  • 介绍面向对象分析设计方法最新研制的新型微机核子秤计量控制系统软件系统中的应用及其具体实现。

    This paper introduces the application of the method of object oriented analysis and design in software system of new-style microcomputer nuclear gauge and control system, which we developed recently.


  • 通过通用报表结构分析,用面向对象方法设计个通用报表模型实现了通用报表的打印用户定制功能

    A model of generic report is designed based on Object-Oriented method by the analysis of the structure of generic report, and the function of print and user-defined in generic report is realized.


  • 平台软件的实现使用面向对象设计方法保证了软件易维护性可扩展性

    The software use the object oriented design method, this assure the maintainability and extensibility of software.


  • 平台软件的实现使用面向对象设计方法保证了软件易维护性可扩展性

    The software use the object oriented design method, this assure the maintainability and extensibility of software.


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