• 面对激烈竞争知识经济时代,人们越来越深刻地认识到人才战略重要性

    In such an intense competition knowledge-based economy era, the strategic significance of talents is increasingly recognized.


  • 面对激烈竞争社会环境建立完善企业人本管理企业核心能力提升非常重要的。

    In this heating competing social environment that enterprises are facing, establishing and improving corporate people-based management is fairly important to lift corporate core competence.


  • 随着企业社会职能逐渐企业剥离,企业内部培训机构需要直接面对激烈竞争的社会培训市场。

    With gradual separation of social functions of enterprise office from enterprise, internal training departments of enterprise will have to face ferocious competition against social training market.


  • 任何一个行业如今社会之中都存在激烈竞争如果我们能够面对激烈竞争时候足够好的态度那么最终可以更好的立足了

    Any industry in today's society there is a fierce competition, if we are able to face the fierce competition when there is good enough attitude, then we can finally have a better foothold.


  • 借此机会概括介绍一下近几年来BBC面对迅速变化受众需求激烈竞争新兴技术时,总结出的某些思路

    I would like to outline some of the thinking that's gone on in the BBC over the last few years in the face of rapidly changing audience demands; fierce competition and fast-emerging technologies.


  • 也有少数企业外面聘请总裁比如索尼日产它们都是面对激烈的海外竞争时被迫这么做的。

    A few big firms, such as Sony and Nissan, have hired outside bosses, though usually under duress: both faced severe competition from abroad.


  • 日产美国市场表现优异,由于丰田本田将凯美瑞(Camry)和思域(Civic)进行改造重塑,日产今年仍需面对激烈竞争

    Nissan has also outperformed in the U.S. market but is set to face tougher competition this year as Toyota and Honda remodel top-selling cars such as the Camry and Civic.


  • 然而同时指出如果花费大笔金钱下许多球星,那么俱乐部付出薪水将会超出预算,而且球员们又需要面对激烈位置竞争

    However, he argued that if he were to spend money on more star signings, they would swell the wage bill, and arrive at the expense of the players already competing for places.


  • 我们自己投身到了竞争激烈大海中,却看不到救生艇,让我们工人们面对全球竞争残酷,却没有他们任何自己人怜悯

    We've thrown ourselves into cutthroat waters without a life preserver in sight, exposing our workers to the harsh mercy of global competition without showing them any mercy of our own.


  • 竞争如此激烈环境中并没有多少能够生长起来,要面对的挑战包括疾病和光但是那些幸存下来的就顶天立地了。

    Not many manage to grow in that competitive environment, where challenges include disease, water and light. But those that do survive are wondrous.


  • 面对激烈通常本地企业的)竞争以及需求变化这些企业背后不停地调整该如何生产怎样生产。

    The people behind these businesses endlessly adjust what and how they produce in response to extraordinary (often local) competition and fluctuations in demand.


  • 面对强大的竞争对手苹果等待诺基亚激烈战斗

    With a formidable rival like Apple, it will certainly be an uphill battle.


  • 竞争如此激烈环境中并没有多少能够生长起来,要面对的挑战包括疾病和光

    Not many manage to grow in that competitive environment, where challenges include disease, water and light.


  • 不过投资银行们对于私人股权客户发生激烈竞争决心这次可能不能面对监管机构的时候帮助他们

    However, the Banks' stated determination not to compete too aggressively with private-equity clients this time around may not help their cause with the regulators.


  • 不容忽视事实是,大学生不得不面对就业市场越来越激烈竞争他们带来了未来焦虑

    The fact cannot be ignored that college students have to face an increasingly intense competition in the job market, which brings about anxiety about their future.


  • 只有这样的话,大学生才能学校有所得,才能面对以后竞争激烈职场

    Only if so will the college students learn more in school and face intense competition in the future job community.


  • 约会竞争激烈了,当下女孩子们不得不面对的现状。

    'This is what a woman has to do to get a date these days, there's a lot of competition.'


  • 面对激烈市场竞争如何缩短产品的研发周期加快产品的上市时间就极为迫切

    To face the fierce market competition, reduce the design cycle and speed the time-to-market is very necessary.


  • 随着高校扩招更多毕业生面对因为就业岗位有限,就业市场激烈竞争

    With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market because of the limited job posts.


  • Groupon面对来自谷歌亚马逊等公司激烈竞争这些公司已经推出竞争业务或是收购了此类企业的股份

    It faces stiff competition from the likes of Google and Amazon, which have launched or taken stakes in rival businesses.


  • 面对外资入侵国内旅游业的激烈竞争我国旅游企业实现规模经营迫在眉睫。

    Facing the foreign capital invasion and the fierce domestic competition, our countrys traveling enterprises realize that scale management is imminent.


  • 面对日益激烈市场竞争,摩托车油箱外观质量越来越成为影响销售的因素之一

    With violent competition of market, appearance and quality of oil tank of motorcycle are becoming one of the important influencing factors for sales.


  • 进一步阐述了专业对讲机生产企业面对激烈市场竞争环境,对传统营销渠道进行变革的必要性

    Further elaborated special field transceiver enterprise face intensive market competitive environment and it is necessary to transform for traditional sales channels.


  • 进一步阐述了专业对讲机生产企业面对激烈市场竞争环境,对传统营销渠道进行变革的必要性

    Further elaborated special field transceiver enterprise face intensive market competitive environment and it is necessary to transform for traditional sales channels.


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