But none of these tools can replace old-fashioned methods such as making phone calls, conducting in-person interviews and visiting libraries.
First will be a telephonic interview if you pass the telephonic interview then you will be called for face to face interview in Hangzhou.
Do we have to use any particular method to get our data? Can we mail out a questionnaire, or do face-to face interviews, or maybe even observations?
Interviews may be done in person or over the phone, and in some cases over E-mail.
Interviews may be done in person or over the phone, and in some cases over email.
Learning that I would interview Ms. Song, after glad to have such a legendary figure's face-to-face chance, I felt perturbed mostly in the heart, fearing to make mistakes.
Learning that I would interview Ms. Song, after glad to have such a legendary figure's face-to-face chance, I felt perturbed mostly in the heart, fearing to make mistakes.