• 预算批准包含报告书地区财务委员会提交地区讲习会地区年会

    When approved, the budget should be included in the statement submitted by the district finance committee to either the district assembly or the district conference.


  • 预算批准,各微机资产拥有单位的设备办理微机报废手续。办理报废手续后办理PAR申请。

    When this budget is approved, the equipment manager should apply for discarding of the replaced computers and apply for PAR.


  • 财政大臣预算国会批准

    The Chancellor's budget must be approved by Parliament.


  • 考夫曼知道地区官员是否预算短缺的问题隐瞒到了11月选举之后直到选民批准学校发行2.12亿美元的债券

    Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the November election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.


  • 国会批准国家预算

    The congress approved the budget.


  • 因为国会无权审核批准美联储任何预算,这更加确保了的独立性。

    That Congress may not audit the Fed or approve its budget provides an added element of security.


  • 每个专题组工作组有明确工作任务和职责范围,以及工作计划预算联盟理事会批准

    The work of the Task Forces and Working Groups are guided by terms of reference and budgeted work plans, approved by the Alliance Board.


  • 预算报告六月份到期它将需要满足国际货币基金组织2008年批准贷款条件

    A budget is due in June and will need to meet the conditions of an IMF loan approved in 2008.


  • 好的知道所有主要预算决策需要经过首席执行官财务主管的批准

    B: Ok. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial offer.


  • 上汽集团凭借51%的股份有权批准预算以及任命高层管理人员

    With a 51% shareholding, SAIC will have the right to approve budgets and senior appointments.


  • 财政赤字有损经济因为导致利率上升,经济增长放缓预算必须获得国会批准才能生效,而这一过程可能需要数月之久

    He says deficits hurt the economy because they cause interest rates to rise and slow growth.The budget has to win congressional approval before it can become law, a process that could take months.


  • 用来执行财政计划委员会审议批准工作计划和预算

    It is used to implement a programme of work and budget examined and approved by the Finance and programme Committees.


  • CEO明确地批准业务副总所请求项目预算 $$$。

    The CEO definitely approved a project budget of $$$ requested by the VP of business.


  • 他们希望注意力集中到他当选应该做的事情上去,即批准平衡预算降低税收

    They would rather he concentrated on what he was elected to do, passing a balanced budget and lowering taxes.


  • 接下来发生的事情数十年间有力地支持了上述规定反对者:行业游说活动效果显著,以至于国会尖锐地(尽管简要地)表示,不再批准机构预算

    What happened next emboldened opponents of regulation for decades: an industry lobbying campaign was so effective that Congress pointedly (though briefly) would not reauthorize the agency's budget.


  • 保守党选举出的警察专员取代现有的地方警察局,这些专员有权选择哪些治安事件需要优先处理同时有权批准预算

    The Tories want to replace police authorities with elected police commissioners, who would set policing priorities as well as signing off on budgets.


  • 更为难堪的是,昨天他刚刚批准预算方案中,包括了提高汽车——跟戴维斯州长当年所做的一模一样,当年施瓦辛格以此大力抨击戴维斯,上任后的发布的第一法案中废除了它。

    The pill is bitterer still since the budget he signed yesterday will raise the vehicle tax -- the same Davis tax increase he campaigned against and terminated in his first act in office.


  • 批准年度财务预算,财务报告会计报表

    ratifying fiscal budget, fiscal report and accounting statement;


  • 情景下客户机(在此情况下公司会计部分)提交用于批准预算

    In this scenario, the client (in this case, a company's accounting department) submits a budget for approval.


  • 参议院可以55%的多数票批准全体代表大会咨询委员会采纳推荐议案,并52%多数票批准年度联邦预算

    Senatorsmay approve bills that have been adopted, or recommended by theGeneral assembly, and advisory Council with a 55% majority vote, andmay approve the annual federal budget with a 52% majority.


  • 预算必须获得国会批准才能生效,而这过程可能需要数月之久

    The budget has to win congressional approval before it can become law, a process that could take months.


  • 批准设立的全国性中央部门单位所有行政事业性收费,全部纳入预算管理

    All authorized administrative fees whether collected nationally or by central government departments and institutions will come under budgetary control.


  • 2010年预算得到批准空军要求议事程序提交份报告概述C - 27 J飞机方案

    Following approval of the 2010 budget, the Air Force was required by law to submit a report outlining its plans for the C-27J program.


  • 联邦储备委员会很可能批准利率再度下调之前等待观望1996年的联邦预算短期赤字削减多少

    The Feds will probably want to wait and see how much near-term deficit reduction is contained in the 1996 federal budget before sanctioning another drop in rates.


  • 好的知道所有主要预算决策需要经过首席执行官财务主管的批准

    Ok. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial offer.


  • 美国国会援助纳入二月份批准二年刺激计划但是各州必须寻求其它途径填补预算窟窿

    Congress included state aid in the two-year stimulus plan approved in February. But states have had to find other ways to fill budget holes.


  • 根据批准变更控制更新范围费用预算进度质量要求协调整个项目变更。

    Controlling and updating the scope, cost, budget, schedule and quality requirements based upon approved changes, by coordinating changes across the entire project.


  • 根据批准变更控制更新范围费用预算进度质量要求协调整个项目变更。

    Controlling and updating the scope, cost, budget, schedule and quality requirements based upon approved changes, by coordinating changes across the entire project.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定