• 这些一轮比赛的领先成绩

    These are the leading first-round scores.


  • 斯科特一局就以3分领先

    Scott opened up a 3-point lead in the first game.


  • 格拉夫首盘比赛中以5-1领先

    Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set.


  • 三个领先竞争者陷入了一场激战

    The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight.


  • 投票选举中工党领先五个百分点。

    The polls have given Labour a five-point lead.


  • 到目前为止菲舍尔以5:2领先

    So far Fischer leads by five wins to two.


  • 澳大利亚队终局领先20

    Australia finished 20 points ahead.


  • 最紧对手勉强领先秒钟

    He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival.


  • 赛程一半时领先

    She was leading at the half-way mark.


  • 甩开了对手,领先优势扩大到了15

    He pulled away, extending his lead to 15 seconds.


  • 还有4那些领先并驾齐驱

    With four laps to go, he kept pace with the leaders.


  • 亨利文化课成绩通常领先其他人

    Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects.


  • 美国日本海军海军航空发展方面领先

    The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation.


  • 5名领先战斗机飞行员被俘媒体示众。

    Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media.


  • 飞利浦决心电子消费品行业保持世界领先地位

    In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.


  • 美国稍微领先

    The United States held a slender lead.


  • 罗伯特·米拉领先法国选手135完成比赛。

    Robert Millar finished 1 minute and 35 seconds ahead of the Frenchman.


  • 后来穆尔奋力反击,重新夺回比赛中的领先地位。

    Moore fought back to retake the lead later in the race.


  • 澳大利亚队在上半场终时以1:0的微弱优势领先

    Australia held a slender 1–0 lead at half-time.


  • 哈佛取得领先地位,经过再三挑战仍然镇定自若

    Harvard took the lead and remained unperturbed by the repeated challenges.


  • 他们防御性商业性产品方面都领先制造商

    They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and commercial products.


  • 我们特殊产品制造上似乎不容置疑领先优势缩小

    Our seemingly unassailable lead in speciality manufacturing has dwindled.


  • 他们十分领先的优势使整个球队处于难以撼动地位

    Their ten-point lead puts the team in an almost unassailable position.


  • 自行车选手们原本胶着在一起直到转弯处泰勒超前领先

    The cyclists were together until the bend, when Tyler pulled ahead.


  • 领先了10辆自行车的距离,然后在第14又超过了车手一圈。

    He then built a 10-bike lead before lapping his first rider on lap 14.


  • 日本垃圾分类方面处于世界领先地位。

    Japan is leading the world in waste sorting.


  • 加入英国领先音乐戏剧公司所有年龄的人都开放

    Join the UK's leading music theatre company! It is open to all ages.


  • 半场结束时,联队以3:1领先

    United were 3–1 up at half-time.


  • 领先优势战胜其他赛跑者

    She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds.


  • 领先优势战胜其他赛跑者

    She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds.


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