8Reno, Nev. — Crew members move Pitts stunt planes after the Reno Air Races were canceled after a plane crash on Friday killed several people and injured dozens of others at the event.
"Investigation of the crash is still underway, and the cause of the crash has not been determined," the agency said.
Flaps never extend automatically, so their condition can be used to decide whether the crash was a deliberate act or not.
The collision was the latest in a string of accidents that plagued the races that week, killing three pilots.
The time is 7 o 'clock, and this is Amily Brown with the news: the German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the Island of Tenariff.
其中的一个迹象就是4月10日的可疑飞机坠毁事件,摧毁了该国的反对派精英- - -“第二个卡廷惨案”,而被一些人称之为被掩盖的事实。
One sign is that the suspicious plane crash on 10 April that wiped out the country's opposition elite - a "second Katyn" as some call it - are being hushed up.
Captain George Burk was the sole survivor of a military plane crash in 1970. The 13 other crew members were killed.
It is the first fatal crash of a commercial airliner in the us since 27 August 2006, when 49 people were killed when a Comair jetliner crashed after take-off in Lexington, Kentucky.
A passenger plane has crashed into a remote hillside near Pakistan's capital, killing all 152 people on board, in the deadliest crash ever in the country.
The official said the plane had taken off an hour later than scheduled, and came down because of bad weather conditions.
No one in the plane survived the crash; it crashed down into splinters.
A lead French accident investigator probing the crash of an Air France jetliner says he is not optimistic that search efforts in the south Atlantic will produce the doomed plane's flight recorders.
He noted the last crash was in 1996 during a hijacking, while the only other crash, in 1988, was when birds hit an engine.
He noted the last crash was in 1996 during a hijacking, while the only other crash, in 1988, was when birds hit an engine.