The German authorities are sending investigators to discover the cause of the plane crash late yesterday on the island of Tenerife.
RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Following a plane crash, the search for survivors always comes first.
Taylor's third husband, Michael Todd, died in a plane crash after a year of marriage.
One of the victims of yesterday's plane crash in South Bend, Indiana, was Steve Davis, Oklahoma starting quarterback when the university won back-to-back national championships in the 1970s.
Although there have been several crashes in recent months of chartered or corporate-owned small jets, such planes aren't especially dangerous, aviation experts said.
Airplane crashes certainly are daunting things even if the chances of a plane crash taking your life are extremely slim.
The collision was the latest in a string of accidents that plagued the races that week, killing three pilots.
1974年3月3日,一次最臭名昭著而可怕的飞机事故之中,土耳其航空DC - 10号在奥莱机场附近坠毁,机上346名乘客和机组人员全部遇难。
March 3, 1974. In one of the most notorious and gruesome crashes ever, a THY (Turkish Airlines) DC-10 crashes near Orly airport killing all 346 passengers and crew.
The plane went down roughly midway between Brazil and Senegal on June 1, 2009, killing all 228 people on board, in the deadliest crash in Air France's history.
The airline said on Wednesday it had received an anonymous telephone warning that a bomb was on a flight leaving Buenos Aires on May 27, four days before the crash.
The last major crash was in July 2009, when a plane caught fire mid-air and crashed in northern Iran, killing 168 people.
In January 2003, an Air Angels helicopter crashed killing the pilot.
Watch out China. Don't crash your airplanes and then blame on "lightning" as you guys did with the fast trains. LOL.
Asiana's worst accident was on July 26, 1993, when 68 people were killed when a Boeing 737 crashed as it came in to land at Mokpo Airport in South Korea.
The crash damaged at least 15 houses in the village. The Manas airport has been closed.
When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.
When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.
Although these are few in number, a great, many people die when even one airplane crashes.
When an airplane crashes officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate determine the cause and prevent similar crashes in the future.
Based on reports of Tuesday's plane crash, it's not clear what caused the Germanwings aircraft to go down.
Based on reports of Tuesday's plane crash, it's not clear what caused the Germanwings aircraft to go down.