• 对于大多数消费者来说食品营养价值不是他们购买主要原因

    For most consumers, a foodstuff's nutritional value is not the main reason for buying it.


  • 另一种顾虑怀疑一些辐照处理食品营养价值可能会降低。

    Concern has also been expressed about the possible loss of nutritional value of some irradiated foods.


  • 此外我们找到关于麦当劳挑战他们在试图改善食品营养价值健康问题。

    In addition, the challenges of McDonald that we were searched, that is McDonald trying to improve its product quality from unhealthy foods to nutrition foods.


  • 分析了黑色食品营养价值保健功能讨论了常见的黑色食品特点预测发展前景

    Nutrition and health function of black food were analyzed in this paper. And the characteristics of common black food were discussed. Further more, its development prospect was forecasted.


  • 面粉生产产物,由于含有多种功能成分往往被用作功能辅料提高食品营养价值

    Wheat germ is a by-product of mill factory, often regarded as a functional ingredient to promote nutritional value of food.


  • 素食一种健康选择成为完全的素食主义者之前知道各种食品营养价值确保均衡饮食,是重要的。

    Eating vegetarian food is a healthy choice, but before becoming totally vegetarian, it is important to be aware of the nutritional values of various foods to ensure a balanced diet.


  • 脂肪代用品不仅有效地降低食品脂肪含量,降低食品热量而且影响食品营养价值保持原有食品的风味口感。

    The repalcement of fat can not only effectively decrease content of fat in foods and food calorie, but it also can keep the taste and relish of foods without affecting the nutritional value of foods.


  • 虽然罐头干果食品过去它们通常构成威胁的,但随着时间的推移它们失去营养价值

    And though canned and dried foods that are past their prime usually aren't a threat, they will lose nutritional value over time.


  • 生物技术应用食品加工时,主要利用微生物强化食物一些特性诸如口感香味储存期质感营养价值

    Biotechnology as applied to food processing makes use of microbial inoculants to enhance properties such as the taste, aroma, shelf-life, texture and nutritional value of foods.


  • 避免使用食材根据英国糖尿病协会(Diabetes UK)的说法,没有,“除了一些特殊糖尿病食品它们昂贵且没有营养价值,通常含高脂肪并且仍然影响血糖水平。”

    Ingredients to avoid "None," according to Diabetes UK, "apart from special diabetic foods." They do not provide any nutritional benefits and are expensive.


  • 建立制度目的防止食品总体营养价值误导消费者。 世界卫生组织也正在这一领域开展工作,希望制定供许多国家采用的国际营养素标准。

    The system is designed to keep consumers from being misled as to the product’s overall nutritional value.


  • 我们研究表明营养价值优越性上,当前没有证据支持有机挑选食品传统生产食品更好。

    Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority.


  • 除此之外这个体系还无法体现食品营养价值其它重要因素比如食品是否是全麦的,或者含有什么其它维他命营养成分等等。

    Plus, it disregards other important factors in a food's nutritional value, such as whether it's made with whole grains or what additional vitamins and nutrients it contains.


  • 绿色食品——这一的用法非常不统一——支持者往往声称绿色食品其它食品安全,营养价值更高

    Advocates of organic foodsa term whose meaning varies greatlyfrequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.


  • 一些其他主要来源一些相类似的特定标签食品平均营养价值

    The other main source is an average of nutrition facts from food labels of similar foods and is designated "label".


  • 部分原因是由于贫穷国家许多人都选择购买食品而并不自己种植——尤其是那些高价值营养价值丰富的食物,肉类蔬菜类

    Partly because many people in poor countries buy, not grow, their food-especially the higher-value, more nutritious kinds, such as meat and vegetables.


  • 婴儿食品质量毋庸置疑的,婴儿食品必须最佳营养价值并且无毒副作用。

    There cannot be an iota of debate over the quality of food that has to be given to the baby. Needless to say, baby food has to be the best, containing high nutritional value and free of toxins.


  • 太平洋岛民饮食中,更多地食用当地种植营养价值、能量密度传统食品重要Waqanivalu

    Increasing the proportion of locally grown, nutritious and less energy-dense traditional foods in the diets of Pacific islanders is also essential, says Waqanivalu.


  • 其他非常有用应用DinnerSpinner可以输入你手头的食品材料,搜索你希望获取的营养价值然后会看一系列可能适合你的菜肴食谱

    Other useful apps: DinnerSpinner lets you enter ingredients you have on hand, or find the nutritional values you desire, and see a range of possible appropriate dishes and recipes.


  • 许多人称自己购买有机食品并非是为了更高营养价值而是出于对环境忧虑以及希望能避免农药问题。

    Many people who buy organic food say they do so not for a nutritional advantage, but because of environmental concerns and to avoid pesticides.


  • 大豆蛋白营养价值、资源丰富、原料成本低,并且还与食品嗜好性、加工性等各种功能性质相关联

    Soybean protein are extensively used for processed food and traditional Chinese foods because of their functional properties and high nutritional value.


  • 食品颜色不仅体现营养价值,对心情调节有着不可小视的作用

    The color of food can indicate not only to its nutritional value, but also its effect upon the regulation of moods.


  • 即使是营养价值相对较高包装完整配方食品最终仍不会有太大帮助因为养成饮食习惯所吃的并非正常食物

    Even diets of relatively nutritious pre-packaged formula foods don't help much in the long run, because you aren't forming new eating habits with regular food.


  • 仅仅依靠有限几个负面因素,就总结食品总体营养价值简直就是愚蠢到家了。

    Trying to sum up overall nutritional quality by looking only at a short list of negative considerations is silly to the point of … ugly.


  • 烹饪结果退化营养价值食品

    Cooking results in degradation of the nutritive value of the food.


  • 大豆发酵食品豆豉我国特色产品很高营养价值

    The soybean fermentation food fermented soybean is our country characteristic product, has the very high nutritional value.


  • 大豆发酵食品豆豉我国特色产品很高营养价值

    The soybean fermentation food fermented soybean is our country characteristic product, has the very high nutritional value.


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