• 垃圾食物营养价值卡路里而且保证几乎大包装

    Junk food is low in nutrition, high in calories and almost guaranteed to pack on the pounds.


  • 反对农民增加产量还是反对提高了营养价值食物

    Are you against increased yields for farmers or foods with enhanced nutritional value?


  • 最后鸡蛋含有其他食物便宜一些营养价值

    Lastly, eggs contain a high nutrient value yet inexpensive compared to other foods.


  • 不过健康饮食减小粉刺发生。营养价值富含矿物质食物身体皮肤非常有帮助。

    However, eating healthy foods can reduce the impact of acne. Foods that are high in nutritious value and minerals are great for your body and skin.


  • 生物技术应用食品加工时,主要利用微生物强化食物一些特性诸如口感香味储存期质感营养价值

    Biotechnology as applied to food processing makes use of microbial inoculants to enhance properties such as the taste, aroma, shelf-life, texture and nutritional value of foods.


  • 因此建议找出自己最食物营养价值

    So I recommend that you find out the nutritional values of the food you eat the most.


  • 很多食物营养价值完全不同的。

    There are lots of food pairs with radically different nutritional values.


  • 只是找出得做多食物营养价值

    What you only need to do is to find out the nutritional values in the food you eat the most.


  • 海藻罕见神奇食物之一,它不仅营养价值而且卡路里惊人

    Seaweed is one of those so-rare wonder foods that while being high in nutrition also happen to be spectacularly low in calories.


  • 因此日常饮食中,应首先考虑食物营养价值口感以及是否会使身体过敏,其次再考虑它所含有的能量

    So when considering nutrient value, effects on appetite, intolerances, and allergies, there are differences in calorie sources.


  • 7月27日所位于华盛顿库——城市研究所提议那些“导致肥胖没有什么营养价值食物”征收10%的税收,这家研究所指出,一税收年内增加5000亿美元。

    On July 27th the Urban Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC, proposed a 10% tax onfattening food of little nutritional value” that, it claimed, would raise $500 billion over ten years.


  • 可能会,又或者一些热量没有营养价值食物你却不知道

    You may be eating more than you should or the foods you eat may be high in calories and low in nutrition value.


  • 12定义营养3135给出的数据两个维度这是因为每种食物提供了多种营养价值

    The nutritional table defined on line 12 and filled with data in lines 31 through 35 has two dimensions, since each food provides multiple nutritional values.


  • 英国最低收入人群调查表明这些摄入食物营养价值其他人群没有太大区别

    But a survey of some of the lowest earners in Britain shows the nutritional value of what they eat is little different to everyone else.


  • 营养丰富均衡膳食我们身体大有益处的,但总那么一些食物,其营养价值要高于其它食物

    While a nutritious and well-balanced diet is of course great for our bodies, there are some foods that are more beneficial and more nutritious than others.


  • 应该尽量孩子们吃全麦食物可是面包营养价值

    You should try to give the kids wholemeal as a rule but white bread does have some nutritional benefits.


  • 部分原因是由于贫穷国家许多人都选择购买食品,而并不自己种植——尤其是那些高价值营养价值丰富的食物肉类蔬菜类

    Partly because many people in poor countries buy, not grow, their food-especially the higher-value, more nutritious kinds, such as meat and vegetables.


  • 虽然他们有限营养价值苹果用途广泛作为食物

    Although they have a limited nutritive value, apples are widely used as food.


  • 一方面,很多健康方式准备食物还有好多可以提供略有不同营养价值口味水果蔬菜

    On the other hand there's so many healthful ways to prepare your food and there's tons of fruits and vegetables that offer you slightly different nutritional values and tastes.


  • 含量(丰富)就意味着食物中含有日常建议一餐所需营养价值20%或者更多

    "High" (or "rich in") means that the food has 20 percent or more of the recommendeddaily value for that nutrient per reference serving.


  • 推测,即使这些水果果汁营养价值相似,同一食物固体状态和液体状态一定区别也是有一定事实依据的。

    It speculates that, even if the nutritional values of whole fruit and fruit juice are similar, the difference lies with the fact that one food is a semi-solid and the other a liquid.


  • 奶茶,因为热量,高没有营养价值可言,长期饮用,还要减少食用盐腌,烟烧烤食物

    Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie, high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt, sootiness and barbecue food.


  • 这种疾病血样测试诊断富含食物例如熟肉水生有壳动物提高营养价值谷物提供有助于减少疲劳。

    It can be diagnosed with a blood test. Eating iron-rich foods, such as red meat, shellfish and iron-fortified cereals, or taking iron supplements can help.


  • 即使是营养价值相对较高包装完整配方食品最终仍不会有太大帮助因为养成饮食习惯所吃的并非正常食物

    Even diets of relatively nutritious pre-packaged formula foods don't help much in the long run, because you aren't forming new eating habits with regular food.


  • 苏联发现所有实验中的食物营养价值降低了

    The Soviets also found that all the experiments of the nutritional value of food are reduced.


  • 而且,因为如果不是有些食物营养价值有争议没有争论的必要了,那么一些食物大家又爱又。(下图:令专家和大众都怀有复杂感受食物)。

    And since it wouldn't be a conversation about nutrition unless things got ~ murky ~, there are a bunch of foods that people had mixed feelings about.


  • 牛奶仅次于人类母乳营养成分周全营养价值最高地液体食物

    The abstract milk is one kind is only inferior to the human mother's milk nutrition ingredient is most comprehensive, nutritional value highest liquid food.


  • 一家餐厅顾客提供了个五道菜的套餐,还配有饮料。这一套餐富含想到的时下流行且营养价值极高食物

    A new restaurant is offering a five-course drink-paired menu stuffed with all the fashionable, nutritional foods you can think of.


  • 只需快速地一眼营养价值,就会发现北京家常菜卡路里脂肪盐分的标准下,甚至不如肯德基麦当劳食物

    A quick peek at the nutrition facts on Beijing's "home style" dishes reveal foods as bad as or worse on a per calorie basis for fat and salt than KFC or McDonald's.


  • 只需快速地一眼营养价值,就会发现北京家常菜卡路里脂肪盐分的标准下,甚至不如肯德基麦当劳食物

    A quick peek at the nutrition facts on Beijing's "home style" dishes reveal foods as bad as or worse on a per calorie basis for fat and salt than KFC or McDonald's.


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