• 人们喜欢按常规办事.都有各自的兴趣爱好娱乐方式,而且可以几个小时不间断.但是人们习惯性动作越多,大脑参与的活动就越少.为了让大脑保持青春状态就要刺激它.改变路线,改用另一只开门,吃饭改为先餐后吃的甜点与水果.所有这些都会把大脑习惯唤醒,重新充满活力.

    Change routes to the grocery store, use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.


  • 不要单独而是要所有食物马上放在桌子——包括头盘餐后甜点——再现殖民者上菜风格

    Don't serve separate courses. Instead, place all the food on the table at once - including appetizers and dessert - to recreate the colonists' serving style.


  • 引人注目甜点由沙棘果调制出来火红涩味果汁

    Even more striking was the dessert, concocted out of the lurid and astringent juice of the sea-buckthorn berry.


  • 根据新西兰怀卡托大学研究,加入蜂蜜而变食物可以降低焦虑还能提高记忆多么完美的借口啊,以就能理直气壮地餐后甜点

    Now, based on a study by the University of Waikato in New Zealand, a diet sweetened with honey could both lower anxiety and improve memory. What an excellent excuse to not skip dessert.


  • 广泛用来制作餐后甜点,或加奶酪蛋糕、圣代冰淇淋、奶油的顶部,做为风味装饰。

    It is widely used in desserts as well as a topping for cheesecakes, sundaes, mousses etc.


  • 愿意披萨汉堡、加燕麦片甜点各种甜品以及……好吧,这样了解了吧。

    It was all the damn junk food too. I would eat pizza and burgers and Twinkies and sugar cereal and desserts and donuts and... well, you get the picture.


  • 学习语言时候我们可以甜点回去吃正

    When it comes to learning foreign languages, we can start with the dessert and then use its sweetness to inspire us to back up and devour the main course.


  • 家式小蛋糕,小甜点以及其它食物都上乘Schokinag巧克力制成的,甚至连鸡尾酒餐后甜酒是以巧克力为主题的。

    The homemade cakes, pastries, and pies, and other goodies are made of premium-quality Schokinag chocolate. Even cocktails and liqueurs are chocolate-themed.


  • 桌子上摆着一道餐后甜点,竟然做成了整个王国的样子:冰淇淋做的山峰城堡,城堡顶端镶着钻石,城堡下面,金子做的城市闪闪发光,水晶碗般的沼泽地,里面装满奶油、布丁和米饭国王盯着一幕目瞪口呆

    The king gaped at its ice-cream peaks topped with diamond castles, its cake lowlands shining with gold cities, its crystal-bowled marshes of creamy rice pudding.


  • 当然我们通常认为水果是我们想象中的那种甜味水果苹果梨子,可以生吃烘焙作为餐后甜点

    Of course, when we generally think of fruit we think of sweet fruits like apples and pears that are eaten raw or baked in dessert.


  • 任何情况之下,都不可以只用色素胶质制作类型餐后甜点

    Under no circumstances may recipes be used for these two types of desserts which consists only of sugar, milk, colour and gelatine.


  • 吃了顿很难消化——很多各种各样的甜点

    I had a really heavy lunch with too much meat and all kinds of sweet desserts.


  • 款多功能餐后甜点饮用美妙,当然也是一款非常好的开胃酒,而且还是完美早午酒。

    While this versatile wine is wonderful paired with fruit based desserts, it also works very well as an aperitif, and is the perfect brunch wine.


  • 放弃甜点,来一杯餐后咖啡有益于脑子有助于控制你的腰围

    Skipping dessert and having an after-dinner coffee instead could also be good for your brain, as well as your waistline.


  • 番瓜欧洲主要用作蔬菜,番瓜馅饼美国加拿大感恩节圣诞节餐后甜点

    In Europe pumpkin is served mainly as a vegetable; in the U. S. and Canada pumpkin pie is a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dessert.


  • 可以得到额外餐后甜点

    Who gets the extra DE ert at di er?


  • 知道这个西方传统是从什么时候开始的,但是甜点这个趋势已经开始下降

    I don't know when this Western tradition began. But the trend of having a dessert after dinner is declining.


  • 不要单独用,而是要所有食物马上放在桌子——包括餐后甜点——再现殖民者上菜风格

    Instead, place all the food on the table at once - including appetizers and dessert - to recreate the colonists' serving style.


  • 招牌甜点大厨亲手料理“浮岛”(佐沙司的蛋白皮饼),那种下面少许金宝饼的杯优酪乳冻也堪称完美餐后甜点

    The signature item is the chef's floating island (a meringue sitting in custard sauce), but a small yogurt parfait with bits of crumble at the bottom made for the perfect end-of-meal bite.


  • 是的我们开胃甜品,接着汤和沙拉主菜是上等的排骨一流厨师烧的,最是各种美味餐后甜点

    Yes, we'll start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course, then main dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken, and finish up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort.


  • 现在让我们言传正传:为何中国人没有甜点习惯其实甜点中国视为零食

    Let's get back to the question of why most Chinese people do not have a habit of having dessert after dinner. Well, sweets are considered snacks in China.


  • 电视观看皇马巴萨的比赛作为开胃酒,我将观看本轮欧洲联赛的所有进球作为餐后甜点

    I will enjoy watching Real Madrid versus Barcelona on television as an aperitif, then for dessert I can see all the goals from around Europe later on.


  • 但是也许索尼公司小小的更多想像力餐后甜点,但是本身不是他们正在期待的多这就是不同微软索尼。

    But maybe Sony has a little more fancy dessert, but the dinner itself is not much different amongst Microsoft and Sony in what they are expecting.


  • 温和味道使适用一切主要课程甜点甚至饮料

    Its bland taste makes it suitable for use in everything from main courses to desserts, and even in beverages.


  • 这个餐后甜点可能一些发光东西代替蜡烛

    This dessert may be used to replace some of the things LED candles.


  • 坚实豆腐走样更好容易用于模拟肉类炒菜豆腐是理想餐后甜点汤类沙司

    The firmer tofu keeps its shape better and easier to slice, are used for mock meats and stir-fries, while the softer tofu is ideal for desserts, soups and sauces.


  • 可是残酷命运却变成一道佳肴马铃薯甜点一起出现在“今日特别推荐”上。

    It was his cruel fate to be delicious, to turn up as Today's Special, along with a baked potato and dessert.


  • 可是残酷命运却变成一道佳肴马铃薯甜点一起出现在“今日特别推荐”上。

    It was his cruel fate to be delicious, to turn up as Today's Special, along with a baked potato and dessert.


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