• 台机器发售各种饮料小吃

    The machine dispenses a range of drinks and snacks.


  • 瓶装饮料上等的。

    The selection of bottled beverages is distinctly top-shelf.


  • 高糖罐装饮料会让你得蛀

    Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth.


  • 杰西卡若有所思地了一小口饮料

    Jessica sipped her drink thoughtfully.


  • 通常饮料小吃招待客人

    It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.


  • 宾馆休息室供应酒类饮料

    Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.


  • 总是小心饮料给洒

    He always spilled the drinks.


  • 购买那些饮料的钱花得一干二净。

    Paying for all those drinks has cleaned me out.


  • 注意他们饮料费。

    Make sure they don't overcharge you for the drinks.


  • 托盘饮料走进来。

    She came in with a tray of drinks.


  • 四处走动给客人饮料

    I went around the guests serving out drinks.


  • 一边小口喝着饮料,一边热切地盯着

    He sipped his drink, staring intensely at me.


  • 含糖饮料热量很高

    Sweetened drinks contain a lot of calories.


  • 饮料打翻了。

    She knocked my drink flying.


  • 所有饮料必须回收容器中出售

    All beverages must be sold in returnable containers.


  • 草药用于调制清凉饮料已有几百年的历史了。

    Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks.


  • 因为没有更好的饮料我们只好将就当地

    We were obliged, faute de mieux, to drink the local beverage.


  • 饮料到处都是堆满桌面了一地。

    Empty soft-drink cans lie everywhere. They clutter the desks and are strewn across the floor.


  • 他们坐在那个俱乐部会所的露台上豪饮着饮料

    They sat on thesnd clubhouse terrace, downing a round of drinks.


  • 一下子侍者身上,弄得托盘饮料四处飞溅。

    She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying.


  • 韦洛大学生每年各种酒精饮料上花费42亿美元。

    Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.


  • 觉得观看死刑处决之前招待吃冷盘自助餐、饮料倒胃口。

    He found it distasteful to be offered a cold buffet and drinks before witnessing the execution.


  • 樱桃可以做成食物或者做成饮料

    Sour cherries are used in foods and drinks.


  • 停止购买饮料垃圾食品吧

    Stop buying soft drinks and junk foods.


  • 纽约州要求商店饮料容器收取押金

    New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage containers.


  • 除了果汁外,我们还有各式各样饮料

    We have all kinds of beverages in addition to fruit juices.


  • 妈妈去买饮料

    Their mother buys the drinks.


  • 我们饮料

    We'd like some drinks.


  • 公司通过饮料公司出售二氧化碳增加饮料中的气泡而获利

    The company is profiting by selling carbon dioxide to beverage companies to add fizz to their drinks.


  • 最爱饮料是朗姆酒加柠檬汁

    His favourite tipple was rum and lemon.


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