Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives.
"We are basically making very large touchpads," says Tim Sylvester, CEO of the company.
UneeQ 的首席执行官切坦·杜布表示:“这些行业的商业模式要在数字化方面提高效率,否则可能会落后。”
"Unless these sectors make their business models much more efficient digitally, they might be left behind," says Chetan Dube, UneeQ's CEO.
After meeting with the Palestinian CEO delegation, I would say 200% yes.
Compared with their predecessors, today's CEOs are required to operate more globalized companies.
Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, made his first public appearance since going on medical leave six weeks ago.
Beyond this, major CEOs still have to do all the day-to-day work they have always done.
The common idea that high CEO pay is mainly about ripping people off doesn't explain history very well.
It is principally during this period of stronger governance that CEO pay has been high and rising.
But Edward Dolman, Christie's chief executive, says: "I'm pretty confident we're at the bottom."
In March its chief executive was fired by Time's current Man of the Year, Mr Obama.
According to the company's CEO, Rose Marcario, this is about building a company that cares about the environment.
He went to work for a battery research company and waited years before the founder promoted him to CEO.
The median pay for chief executives of S&P 500 companies fell 6.8% in 2008.
Having made their wealth and reputations elsewhere, they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executive's proposals.
Tim Cook replaced Jobs as chief executive in August, was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring.
Truman's insight could well be applied to another, even more, venerated Washington figure: the CEO-turned cabinet secretary.
"Hoppers" who jump between four or more companies, by contrast, take at least 26 years on average to become chief executives.
In its latest survey of CEO pay, The Wall Street Journal finds that "a substantial part" of executive pay is now tied to performance.
In the other comer is the world's most valuable company, whose chief executive, Timothy Cook, has said he will appeal the court's order.
Skullcandy 的首席执行官里克·奥尔登表示,每个企业都需要两样东西:灵感和绝望。
Every business needs two things, says Skullcandy CEO Rick Alden: inspiration and desperation.
There was some pain for everyone: median pay for chief executives of non-financial firms in the S&P 500 fell by 2.7%.
Leaders from other fields are frequently in demand: former presidents or Cabinet members, retired CEOs, and yes, university presidents.
"The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases, " says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg.
Today's CEO, at least for major American firms, must have many mere skills than simply being able to "run the company".
但是每个人都有一些痛苦: 标准普尔500指数中非金融公司首席执行官的平均薪酬下降了2.7%。
But there was some pain for everyone: median pay for chief executives of non-financial firms in the S&P 500 fell by 2.7%.
Richard Moross, Moo's founder and chief executive, says that this is because a physical card "conveys the card holder's personality through design".
The best model for understanding the growth of CEO pay is that of limited CEO talent in a world where business opportunities for the top firms are growing rapidly.
In an interview last year with The Economist, George Whitesides, chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic, was placing his company in the latter category.
In an interview last year with The Economist, George Whitesides, chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic, was placing his company in the latter category.