When you exchange the adapter, the existing device driver supports the adapter because it is of the same type.
创建使用JCC驱动程序和DB 2XA数据库类型的数据库池。
Create a database Pool using JCC Drivers and database type of DB2 XA.
Originally, there were four types of JDBC drivers, differentiated by their type number: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
According to the JDBC specification, there are four types of JDBC driver architectures.
创建使用JCC驱动程序和O ther数据库类型的数据库池。
Create a database Pool using JCC Drivers and database type of Other.
ibm_db2和PDO_IBM驱动程序都支持两种类型的游标:只能前进(forward -only)的游标和可滚动游标。
Both the ibm_db2 and PDO_IBM drivers support two types of cursors: forward-only cursors and scrollable cursors.
了解mac可用的InformixOD BC驱动程序文件类型。
Understanding the Informix ODBC driver file types available for MAC.
Device drivers use these routines to request various types of data transfers (control, interrupt, bulk, or isochronous).
Make the following changes (you may have different values for the driver location, type, and DB Instance Port depending on how DB2 is configured).
This is a slightly cryptic prompt asking you which type of ODBC driver you want to configure, and where it is installed.
You need to know the type of the data source, the driver used to connect to it, and the login information (in most cases, login and password).
Whenever you run into any type of problem using the JCC driver, the typical response for further diagnosis is to take a JCC trace.
Please note the attributes mentioned below under each type of driver attributes are the most common ones found in ODBC applications.
For the record, I typically go with whatever the installer chooses for mouse type unless you're absolutely sure about which driver underlies the choices presented.
The second design may be better for certain types of future expansion, where other devices are added that also activate the door.
您可以对任何支持XML数据类型并提供JDBC 4.0驱动程序的数据库使用SQLXML数据类型。
You can use the SQLXML data type with any database that supports the XML data type, and provides a JDBC 4.0 driver.
Linu x源代码是学习有关大多数设备类型的设备驱动程序设计最佳方法,包括网络设备驱动程序。
The Linux source code is a great way to learn about the design of device drivers for a multitude of device types, including network device drivers.
The virtio_driver structure defines the upper-level device driver, list of device IDs that the driver supports, a features table (dependent upon the device type), and a list of callback functions.
NDIS is a kind of network protocol standard which supports the network drivers of three kinds: NIC drivers, intermediate drivers and protocol drivers.
The type of object to create depends on what you need to do with the data in your application and on what your ODBC driver supports.
选择与要连接的索引顺序访问方法 (ISAM)或数据库的类型相对应的驱动程序,然后单击“完成”。
Select the driver corresponding to the type of indexed sequential access method (ISAM) or database you want to connect to, and then click Finish .
When generating a DSN for some ODBC driver types, you need to know the location of the actual file.
When generating a DSN for some ODBC driver types, you need to know the location of the actual file.