• 随着需求增长人们开始出售期票以保证未来高价的郁金香球茎交付

    As demand grew, people began selling promissory notes guaranteeing the future delivery of prized tulip bulbs.


  • 还要咖啡高价食品上浪费掉。

    Don't waste it on coffee and overpriced meals.


  • 廉价股票似乎更低廉高价似乎会高价

    Cheap stocks seem to get much cheaper and expensive stocks more often than not, get much more expensive.


  • 高价柴油卡车运输价格提升上去,铁路运价也随之提高。

    When higher diesel costs put up trucking rates, the railways follow suit.


  • 劣质高价常规出版社要想匹敌这座里程碑,丝毫机会没有

    The conventional publishers of bad books at high prices don't stand a chance against this landmark.


  • 去年HTC解决了微软安卓的一项索赔,并同意支付高价专利费。

    Last year HTC resolved another claim over Android, with Microsoft, agreeing to pay it hefty royalties.


  • 但是不管怎么说,其他地方如此高价道路桥梁绝不会发生断裂

    But somehow, in other places, overpriced roads and Bridges don't seem to fall apart with such alarming regularity.


  • 然而,2009年拍出最高价中国在世艺术家作品当代油画作品。

    However, the most expensive artwork by a living Chinese artist sold at auction in 2009 was still a contemporary piece done in oil on canvas.


  • 私人租房高价时候住房津贴社会住房的削减导致更多无家可归

    Cuts to housing benefit and social housing could, at a time of high private rents, lead to more homelessness.


  • 浪费转变支付方式的良机这种支付方式促使医生开出大量高价检查单。

    It squanders a golden opportunity to shift away from a payment model that encourages doctors to prescribe too many overpriced tests.


  • 有利方面来说,假使雅虎还广告商维持关系的话,便可以出售高价搜索广告

    On the plus side, Yahoo! Will sell higher-priced search ads for both firms, allowing it to maintain relationships with advertisers.


  • 结果30%藏品未售出包括件事先预计会拍出最高价手绘清代锦鸡花瓶

    Thirty percent of the fabled pieces went unsold, including a hand-painted Ching dynasty imperial pheasant vase that was expected to be a top lot in the sale.


  • 这种衰落最近一调查吻合。这项调查显示人们法式烹饪的平庸高价抱怨在不断增加。

    The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices.


  • Snyder对于Jeff第二个原因,正向世界表明,高价产品未必总是最好的。

    Snyder: For Jeff's second reason, it's about showing the world that the high-cost product is not always the best.


  • 不仅如此,由于高额的农业关税日本消费者只能选择购买高价国内商品或是价格更高进口商品

    Meanwhile, the high agricultural tariffs mean Japanese consumers must choose between expensive domestic produce or even more expensive imports.


  • 首先伴随高价生产成本剧增,譬如石油钻塔钢材成本矿业工程师更高薪水等等

    For one thing, they were accompanied by big increases in production costs—everything from the cost of steel in oil rigs through to higher wages for mining engineers.


  • 这种高价基础吸引力的包装质量保证——后者受到担忧产品安全中国消费者的日益重视。

    This price premium is based on attractive packaging and a guarantee of quality which is increasingly valuable to Chinese consumers worried about product safety.


  • 最近历史中,电话公司基础——线路交换机——稀缺资源,被用来创造高价服务

    In recent history, the basis of telephone company value has been the sharing of scarce resourceswires, switches, etc. - to create premium-priced services.


  • 侠盗猎车手,不像其他许多高价游戏用户们可以屏幕上随意移动控制元件适应他们偏好

    With Grand Theft Auto, unlike many other premium games, users can move the controls around the screen to suit their preferences.


  • 每天亚马逊都会选出高价应用程序免费提供消费者,给人们一个经常登录它理由

    Every day, Amazon will be choosing a premium application and making it free to consumers, giving people a reason to check in on the store on a frequent basis.


  • 使许多公司倒行逆变得完全合乎情理踏遍全世界以找寻能够所持股份提出高价市场减少其资本流失。

    It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares, thus reducing the cost of their capital.


  • 信贷可能再如此容易申请了.当然汽车租赁成本正在攀升,原因就是那些出租的汽车都高价二手车

    Credit is unlikely to be so easily available again. Also, one of the ways leasing made more expensive cars seem affordable was by attributing to them high second-hand values after the lease was over.


  • 无论是哪种方案Steve Jobs要想这种高价的闪存笔记本电脑推向市场需要进行大量设计营销工作

    Whatever the solution, Steve Jobs will need to summon heavy doses of both engineering and marketing magic to turn an inevitably pricy flash-based laptop into a must-have item.


  • 包括国会计划的低价清洁燃料换成清洁但高价燃料,包括建造许多昂贵电站取代污染环境的旧电站

    It will involve swapping cheap but dirty fuels for cleaner but dearer ones, as Congress intends, as well as building lots of expensive new power plants to replace older, more polluting ones.


  • 除了印着专辑封面T恤之外,还有高价“歌手曾经穿过的”收藏版,完美再现了70年代初乐队成员曾经穿过的衣着

    There were not only album-cover T-shirts but also a higher-priced “as worn by” collection, featuring reproductions of clothes that members of the band happened to be wearing in the early 1970s.


  • 一份新闻稿高价棕榈油橡胶意味着此类作物有利可图的,利用生物质很低土地种植它们使得这种种植在环境上也可行

    She said in a press release that high prices for palm oil and rubber means these crops can be profitable and that using land with low original biomass makes their cultivation environmentally feasible.


  • 一份新闻稿高价棕榈油橡胶意味着此类作物有利可图的,利用生物质很低土地种植它们使得这种种植在环境上也可行

    She said in a press release that high prices for palm oil and rubber means these crops can be profitable and that using land with low original biomass makes their cultivation environmentally feasible.


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