Then when someone lobbed the ball, it was just too how, and I dived to save it.
劳尔标志着3 - 1赢得了一个很棒的高吊球打进自己的第二球王室蓝色的。
Raul marked the 3-1 winner with a terrific lob to score his second goal in Royal blue.
If you get pulled wide outside the court hit that ball down the line not cross court whether you hit a ground stroke or a lob.
You can successfully execute lobs, drop shots, half volleys, overhead smashes, and have good depth and spin on most second serves.
She also showed off an odd but very effective offensive lob; where most people hit it with topspin, hers had virtually no spin at all, and she chose the moments to use it well.
She also showed off an odd but very effective offensive lob; where most people hit it with topspin, hers had virtually no spin at all, and she chose the moments to use it well.