People in southern China like famous and expensive dish—shark fin soup, but no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.
The greater threat to sharks comes not from fishermen, but from Asian gastronomes whose idea of a treat is shark-fin soup.
National Geographic reports that 38 million sharks a year are killed for shark fin soup.
When you eat a bowl of shark fin soup, you consume only 40 grams of the fish.
We also told how demand for shark fin soup has led to the killing of millions of sharks.
That means it's possible to get people to switch to other food, and make the soup unfashionable.
I tried some once in the Chinese port city of Qingdao and was surprised by how thin and watery it is.
The soup is considered a must-have at Chinese wedding banquets and corporate dinners as a matter of wealth, pride and prestige.
It's a deep-seated thing. They used to say that if there is no shark-fin soup, the bride is marrying into a poor family.
Still, the greater threat to sharks comes not from game fishermen but from Asian gastronomes whose idea of a treat is shark’s-fin soup.
It cannot be said that most people look forward to the inevitable bowl of shark's fin soup at a wedding banquet, but it is expected, on a par with double-happiness cakes and red envelopes.
Some shark fin soup consumers assume that finning doesn't hurt the shark, or that fins grow back; neither is true.
To truly save sharks, however, conservationists have to win over consumers in Asia and change the image of shark-fin soup.
Because many shark species are slow to mature and reproduce, overfishing to supply the thriving Asian market for shark fin soup is the prime threat to shark populations globally.
On September 22nd in Shanghai WildAid, a charity, launched a campaign to persuade Chinese people to give up eating the delicacy.
Shark fin, of course, is the namesake ingredient of shark fin soup, a popular delicacy in China since the Ming Dynasty and now eaten in Chinese restaurants around the world.
美国作家Juliet Eilperin在她的著作《魔鬼鱼》中总结了西方人关于鱼翅汤的普遍观点。
Juliet Eilperin, an American author, sums up the general Western viewpoint in "Demon Fish", a book about sharks.
Perhaps another reason for the decline is the soup itself, which is often described as bland, at least for Western palates.
Seventy-three million sharks are killed each year for their fins (shark-fin soup is huge in Asia) or meat or just as collateral damage of the wider fish trade.
在华裔人士的婚礼站往往有300 - 400名宾朋,受到保护的鲨鱼数量开始增加——不提及不食用鱼翅汤的影响,可能会引导这些来宾随后效仿。
With 300 to 400 guests at a Chinese wedding, the number of sharks saved begins to add up - not to mention the impact not eating soup might have on those guests down the road.
这些深海中的濒危鲨鱼(译者注:不论类别,只论数量,也即,只要稀缺,就是濒危)是被猎来作“鱼翅汤”的——鱼翅汤是闻名遐迩的奢侈型美食,其亚洲市场需求呈现爆发性增长。 但是,一家渔人集团却在本周六作出决定,将大西洋深海中的濒危鲨鱼作为保护对象。
Half-a-dozen species of endangered sharks hunted on the high seas to satisfy a burgeoning Asian market for sharkfin soup are now protected in the Atlantic, a fisheries group decided Saturday.
According to the report, around 73 million sharks are killed every year so that their fins can be used to make soup.
According to the report, around 73 million sharks are killed every year so that their fins can be used to make soup.