The falls have always been an insurmountable obstacle for salmon and sea trout.
This is most evident in cases where it results in the extinction of entire salmon populations.
Projects usually begin by identifying a stream that once allowed salmon to spawn.
Every year, millions of salmon swim from the ocean into the mouths of rivers and then steadily up the rivers.
A little salmon in a jar cooked next to last night's dirty dishes doesn't sound all that appetizing.
These are the ones, cod, groupers, salmon, tuna and so on, that everyone likes to eat.
I have forgotten how many trout I caught that afternoon, but I have not forgotten the value of handhold.
Indeed, most analysts believe that some kind of environmental degradation underlies the demise of many extinct salmon populations.
The recipe said to wrap the salmon in foil, then run it through a full cycle without using any soap.
Seven companies producing Alaska salmon were immediately granted permission to display the MSC logo on their products.
Removing the mud, uncovering gravel beds where fish spawn, and finding suitable salmon types to rebuild the population is a daunting task.
State authorities have ordered cutbacks in deliveries of water from the delta because of the threat to endangered species such as salmon and smelt.
Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnut, salmon, soybean and winter squash.
A huge variety of fish, including cod, bream, mussels, salmon and sturgeon, is being farmed, providing food for people all over the world.
During 2000, commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes, with an ex-vessel value of over USD 260 million.
The numerical effect is obvious: there are fewer salmon in degraded regions than in pristine ones; however, habitat loss also has the potential to reduce genetic diversity.
Between 1940 and 1959, overfishing led to crashes in salmon populations so severe that in 1953 Alaska was declared a federal disaster area.
Built nearly a century ago to provide power to lumber and paper mills in the town of Port Angeles, these dams blocked access to upstream spawning beds for six species of salmon.
The parks already attract specialist visitors, including mountaineers, who come to climb the technically difficult peaks, and fishermen, lured by the salmon and trout in the region's rivers.
The predictable abundance of salmon allowed some native cultures to flourish and dying spawners feed bears, eagles, other animals, and ultimately the soil itself.
Until recently, the main reason for removing dams was to restore salmon runs, but it is now recognized that a more important reason to remove dams is that they are no longer safe.
They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.
"Salmon," notes writer Susan Ewing in The Great Alaska Nature Factbook, "pump through Alaska like blood through a heart, bringing rhythmic, circulating nourishment to land, animals and people".
Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish (also called white snapper), because they contain high levels of mercury.
The faecal filth of salmon farming has driven wild salmon from many of the sea lochs and rivers of Scotland.
These dams blocked access to upstream spawning beds for six species of salmon on what once was one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world.
In Scotland, the number of wild salmon have been reduced because of uncontrolled deep-sea and coastal netting, by pollution, and by various other threats to the fish's habitat.
This Kamchatka Peninsula lake is home to hundreds of bears, and visitors can see them tuck into a feast during the wild salmon run, one of Earth's greatest.
Lightly brush both sides of Alaska salmon fillets with olive oil.