• 黄河以万马奔腾之势滚滚向前。

    The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.


  • 其中最长长江第二长的黄河

    Among them the Yangtze River is the longest one and the second longest one is the Yellow River.


  • 个人都知道黄河没有长江长。

    Everyone knows the Yellow River isn't so long as the Yangtze River.


  • 们开设了课程帮助学生了解保护黄河的重要性。

    They offered courses to help students know the importance of protecting the Huanghe River.


  • 足够坚固的抵挡黄河水流当时当地人来说一种挑战

    It was challenge for the locals back then to build a bridge was strong enough to withstand the current of the Yellow River.


  • 坐落黄河以东因此称为“河东”。

    It is located to the east of the Yellow River, and is also known as Hedong.


  • 欲渡黄河冰塞,将登太行

    I'd ferry across the Yellow River, but waterway blocked by ice; About to go up Mt. Taihang, but snow darkens the sky.


  • 河床渐渐干枯:黄河每年只有周时间不断流

    Rivers are drying up: the Yellow river now flows to the sea for only a few weeks a year.


  • 香炉位于陕西省佳县境内黄河畔。

    The temple, which lies on the banks of the Yellow River in Jiaxian, Shaanxi Province, is supported by a stone column that is more than 20 meters high.


  • 河道淤积大幅减少每年进入黄河泥沙量减少了1亿多吨

    Sedimentation of waterways was dramatically reduced: The flow of sediment from the Plateau into the Yellow River has been reduced by more than 100 million tons each year.


  • 西安古称长安,黄河流域国家地区的古文明的发祥地之一。

    Called Chang 'an in ancient times, Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the Yellow River Basin area of the country.


  • 黄河最后的六百英里向东流过平坦肥沃人口密集的华北平原

    For its last 600 miles the Yellow River flows eastwards through the flat, fertile, North China Plain, which is densely populated.


  • 报告指出,黄河流域1965年以来遭受持续干旱而且日趋严重。

    The Yellow river watershed has suffered a continuous drought since 1965 and it is getting worse, it said.


  • 山东是个巨大向东流大海环绕半岛黄河曲折的流经其中部。

    Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center.


  • 黄河就是所谓的中华文明发源地被污染的已经无法提供饮用水

    The Yellow River, the so-called birthplace of Chinese civilization, is so polluted it can no longer supply drinking water.


  • 黄河水量减少成为“痛苦的细流”,每年直流入海的天数已不够200

    The Yellow River has been reduced to "an agonising trickle". It no longer reaches the sea for 200 days a year.


  • 有人告诉:“你的话不对,黄河东面有个地方北海才真呢。”

    There is a place to the east of the Yellow Rivers called the North Sea. The North Sea is really big. "he."


  • 所谓中华文明发源地黄河如此污染以至于再也不能提供干净的饮用水

    The Yellow River, the so-called birthplace of Chinese civilization, is so polluted it can no longer supply drinking water.


  • 胜利油田是中国最大油田之一,平台位于山东附近海上黄河不远的浅水区域。

    The platform was located in very shallow water near the Yellow River off the coast of Shandong province.


  • 郑州市黄河水利委员会调度中心,墙壁大小显示屏上,显示水量分配情况。

    At the control centre of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission in Zhengzhou, water allocations are displayed on a wall-sized screen.


  • 喜玛拉雅冰川恒河黄河长江提供淡水融化恶化人口增长导致的危机

    The melting of Himalayan glaciers which supply fresh water to the Ganges, Yellow River and Yangtze would exacerbate a water crisis driven by rising population.


  • 而且这个遗址位于长江上游,对“黄河中华文明唯一起源理论提出了质疑

    And, located on the upper part of the Yangtze River, the site challenges the common idea that Chinese civilization rose from a single source - the Yellow River valley.


  • 工程的中段将取道黄河之下,而不是东流入不过问题留给源头

    The central route tunnels under the Yellow to avoid being diverted towards the sea, but it will leave problems at its source.


  • 黄河为12%中国人提供水源据称,三分之二的黄河水不适宜人类使用。

    The Yellow River supplies water to 12 per cent of the country's population but almost two-thirds of its water is considered unsuitable for human consumption.


  • 那时看到一片荒凉山谷没有绿树黄土雨水冲刷到黄河里造成淤积

    And I saw in front of me valleys that were stark, that had no trees, and that were filling the Yellow River with sediment from the water coming down the hills.


  • 岷江大渡河长江上游各条支流贯穿阿坝境内并且它也是四川省唯一一个黄河流经地方

    Minjiang River and Dadu River, tributaries of the upper Yangtze River, flow across Aba which is the only place in Sichuan Province having the Yellow River flow through.


  • 岷江大渡河长江上游各条支流贯穿阿坝境内并且它也是四川省唯一一个黄河流经地方

    Minjiang River and Dadu River, tributaries of the upper Yangtze River, flow across Aba which is the only place in Sichuan Province having the Yellow River flow through.


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