The butter and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips.
You can also enjoy mud packs with the natural mud, smooth, grey, soft, and plastic as butter.
There's butter in the frosting I'm using, but we're talking about the cake.
She often worked far into the night and lived on little more than bread and butter and tea.
He came in with a teacup in one hand and a piece of bread-and-butter in the other.
The snails, called escargots, are served with lots of butter.
As he was so in need of strength, he had to have four more helpings of butter and cheese.
We make it with bread, butter, and colorful sugar called "hundreds and thousands".
"After that," continued the Hatter, "I cut some more bread-and-butter—"
Besides eating algae as a dish on its own, people may also use algae oil and algae butter in the future.
The flavor of a croissant should be intensely buttery with a natural dairy sweetness.
Butter has now been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States.
Mole groaned dolorously: "no butter, no—no pate de foie gras, no champagne!"
We boil and mash them and cover them in butter, or we cut them into strips, deep-fry them and cover them with salt.
This proved that Murphy' s Law is true: If the toast can land butter side down, it will do so.
The Fairy promised to prepare two hundred cups of coffee—and—milk and four hundred slices of toast buttered on both sides.
Alan goes to some farms on Monday and buys their best butter, cheese, and eggs from the farmers.
There was also a demand among urban consumers for dairy products such as butter and cheese, which, in the sixteenth century, had become more expensive than grain.
When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent?
They learn first hand about the health and nutrition of dairy cattle, as well as the science of making butter, cheese, and other dairy products.
"Toast lands butter side down because humans aren't tall enough to let it land any other way," Matthews said.
Prices went up an extra 3p on a pint of milk, 15p on a quarter of a pound of butter and 15p on a half pound of cheese.
Heat butter in a frying pan and put in the bread slice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.
In the back room of the little bakery, his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders—he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar.
Melt the butter over a medium-low heat. When it is melted and bubbly, put in the flour.
The City Council of Moscow has decided that it will begin rationing bread, butter, and meat.
As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.
Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter, and margarine.
I didn't remember what I told him that night, but I did remember watching him smear butter on that toast and eat every bite!
"Of course they're flying!" a little girl in a class replied."They're called butterflies. If they didn't fly, they'd just be butter!"