Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves, to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous fool.
People who follow the Golden Rule are only asking to be taken advantage of by others.
One of the golden rules of job interviews is to avoid asking questions about pay and holidays.
In "The API Layer strategy," I outlined two golden rules for building a transaction strategy.
In most businesses, repeat sales and returning customers are the gold standard of success.
This diagnostic target is still in its infancy and there is no "gold standard" for accurately assessing myocardial ischemia.
We've all heard of the Golden Rule, but the Platinum Rule takes it a step further.
We've all heard of the Golden Rule, but the Platinum Rule takes it a step further.
To put it bluntly, when we pass our stress on to others, we violate the Golden Rule.
According to Phelps golden rule, I got the optimum capital accumulating proportion.
It's a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy!
A gracious, yet firm demeanor will suit you well, as fair treatment will become the golden rule.
Two golden rules (the secret sauce) apply to all of the transaction strategies I'll describe throughout the transaction strategies series.
Marketers who ignore Facebook's Golden Rule will do so at their peril.
You act in accordance with the Golden Rule, and you start to feel good about yourself, and to think that you are a good person.
In my view, this is the single Golden Rule in dealing with the rich: time is the one thing they can't buy more of.
On the Beagle, too, he would say, that he learned what he considered the golden rule for saving time; i.e., taking care of the minutes.
When you think about it, the Golden Rule is inherently selfish, as those who abide by it are acting with their own interests in mind.
He regarded the family as the primary unit of society, and believed that people should come together to form communities based on friendship, love, and the Golden Rule.
Social network site Badoo has come up with the "Seven Golden Rules" on how to find a prince, after conducting a study of 107 royal romances since World War II.
When you think about it, the Golden Rule is inherently selfish, as those who abide by it are acting with their own interests in mind.
Freeware works right out of the virtual box, so a user's sole incentive to kick in is the thrill of heeding the Golden Rule.
That is one of the golden rules of management but even the finest coaches in the game find it an elusive trick to pull off.
Perhaps the Age of Excess had to end before we could all turn inward just enough to rediscover the gold standard of the perfectly formed phrase, and make connections again.
Keep in mind that the more parallel your Snowboard's position is to the fall line, the faster you will go.
Remember the golden rules: the client method invoking the API layer method is the transaction owner, and only the transaction owner should be responsible for rollback.
Here is Hobbes' rewriting of the Golden Rule in terms of these laws of nature but these raise a question for us? As readers of Hobbes.
First, Mr Cain, like many before him, ignored the golden rule, which is to tell all at once before the media find out anyway.
First, Mr Cain, like many before him, ignored the golden rule, which is to tell all at once before the media find out anyway.