We will use the free, portable X window system as well.
On the control node, start your default X Window System session.
X Window System does not deal with character set support, per se.
X Window系统本身不处理字符集支持。
The xev program output lists every X Window System event in the attached window.
xev程序输出将在连接的窗口中列出每个X WindowSystem事件。
This is the approach taken for instance in the implementation of the X Window System.
Minimal package selection with X installs a minimal system that contains the X Window System.
MinimalpackageselectionwithX安装最小化系统,但包含 X WindowSystem。
In addition, you need the X11: : GuiTest module to send synthetic X Window events to applications.
此外,您还需要X11:GuiTest模块才能把syntheticX Window事件发送给应用程序。
If possible, you should stick to the minimum installation requirements and avoid the X Window System.
如果可能,应当坚持最小安装需求并避免X WindowSystem。
Recall that X Window System is a protocol by which video output can be sent from one host to another.
X WindowSystem是一种协议,按照这种协议在主机之间发送视频输出。
The X window System itself is really just an API that has calls such as "draw a window at these coordinates."
X Window系统本身实际只是一个具有诸如“在这些坐标上绘制一个窗口”等调用的API。
This relatively simple measurement will be recorded for every application on the X Window System desktop.
将为X WindowSystem桌面中的每个应用程序记录这个相对简单的度量。
This approach can be used to record attributes for certain applications or for the entire X Window System.
这种方法可用于记录特定应用程序或整个X WindowSystem的属性。
This allows the SendKeys command (used later) to send synthetic X window events to the currently in focus window.
这将允许SendKeys命令(稍后使用)把syntheticX Window事件发送给当前持有焦点的窗口。
Now you can start the X Window System by running startx, though on an analog device your screen is pretty tiny.
现在您可以通过运行startx 来启动X WindowSystem,不过在模拟设备上您的屏幕就会显得有些太小了。
The X Window System, also known as X11, is a graphical windowing system used on Unix-like systems, according to iDefense.
X Window系统又称X11,是运行于类Unix框架基础上的图形视窗系统。
Some people prefer to use the command line to execute commands with all the flags, while others prefer GUIs and X window sessions.
一些人喜欢使用命令行执行带各种标志的命令,其他人喜欢使用 GUI和X窗口会话。
Additionally, some parts of the tutorial showing graphical elements of Emacs operation deal specifically with the X Window System.
此外,本教程的某些部分(介绍Emacs操作的图形元素)特别涉及到X Window System。
If you want to configure the X Window System for your analog device, you need to install and run the Xautoconfig package like this.
如果您希望为自己的模拟设备配置X WindowSystem,就需要按照下面的方式来安装并运行xautoconfig包。
Therefore, by using an X Window System server on the host operating system, video output can be redirected to the available X server.
因此,通过在主机操作系统上使用X WindowSystem服务器,可以将视频输出转发到可用的 X 服务器。
In fact, Zenity shares many of the same features as dialog; the only difference is that Zenity works in an X Window System environment.
事实上,Zenity与dialog有着许多相同的功能;惟一的区别在于,Zenity在一个X Window System环境中工作。
The editor, therefore, does not need a terminal to run, although it needs X Window System and works as a testing tool for UTF-8-encoded fonts.
因此,这个编辑器不需要通过终端来运行,尽管它需要X Window系统,并且是 UTF-8 编码的字体的一种测试工具。
However they can be imitated by means of function Pointers. This is the approach taken for instance in the implementation of the X Window System.
For instance, a program designed to work with the X Window System may well want to know where X has been installed, or even whether X has been installed.
例如,一个设计运行于X WindowSystem的程序需要知道X安装在哪里,或者甚至要知道是否安装了X。
This paper introduce the method of controlling the transfer of communication task in X Window of system control station of the large container inspection system.
After checking to make sure an X Window ID has been specified, some variables are set up for times between the total password entry and the between key event entry.
在检查确保已经指定了X WindowID之后,将为密码输入总时间和键事件输入时间设置一些变量。
The X window System and current desktop software make remote access fairly transparent: a window is a window, and the underlying application could be running on any computer.
X WindowSystem和现有的桌面软件使得远程访问变得相当透明:窗口仅仅只是窗口,而基础应用程序可以运行于任何计算机。
Because a portion of this tutorial deals with graphical elements of the Emacs operation in the X Window System environment, you should also have an X server up and running.
Because a portion of this tutorial deals with graphical elements of the Emacs operation in the X Window System environment, you should also have an X server up and running.