From plans - a plan is an XML serialization of a GBean.
This information corresponds to the XML serialization of the component.
The Microsoft .NET Framework provides powerful XML serialization capabilities.
The public properties are decorated with the attributes to control XML serialization.
NET profile manager USES XML serialization to serialize and deserialize custom types.
This setting specifies whether the compiler will create XML serialization assemblies.
Other systems interact with the Web service using SOAP messages, transferred using HTTP with an XML serialization.
The XML serialization mechanism (based on JAXB 2.0) is also used to convert complex objects between different class loaders.
XML序列化机制(基于JAXB 2.0)还用于在不同类加载器之间转换复杂对象。
XML serialization implies a performance overhead; therefore, WebSphere Portal attempts to pass direct object references when possible.
The awkward fit between the "native" and the XML data models is equally evident in any of the XML serialization formats mentioned here.
“本机”数据模型和XML 数据模型之间难以匹配的问题同样在这里所提到的任何 XML序列化格式中也是很明显的。
XML serialization is the process of binding out the Unicode XML values into host variables, for eventual transportation back to the client.
xml串行化是将unicode xml值绑定到主机变量,以便最终传回客户机。
In the last installment of this column, I strongly recommended that users of RDF focus on the abstract model rather than the XML serialization.
To better support explanations, I introduce an example that contains many of the pitfalls that one may encounter during XML serialization.
RDF is a metadata system with an XML serialization for the Web, a model for describing collections of formalized statements about a Web resource.
Other somewhat similar standards, such as RDF Site Summary (RSS), show how XML resource description formats can be expressed as an XML serialization of RDF.
其他有点类似的标准,如rdfSiteSummary (RSS),说明如何将XML资源描述格式表示为rdf的xml序列化。
If a SOAP domain tree is sent to a non-SOAP output node, an XML serialization of the tree is currently written, rather than a SOAP-style Web service message.
But also the XML serialization, the designer forms to configure the process construct, persistence and many other aspects can potentially be included in a process construct component.
What began as a standard for querying XML documents now includes the next-generation standards for XML selection (XPath 2), XML serialization, full-text search, and functional XML data modeling.
Inclusion of an XML Schema based serialization for its data model.
Figure 2 shows an example of an XML document that represents the data object after serialization.
Implementations of this model handle construction, modification, and serialization of the XML data.
In reality, the message exchanged in SOAP is just an XML document that contains the serialization information for computing without the semantic significance.
Similarly, document retrieval from an XML column requires serialization, that is, converting the parsed XML format back into its original textual representation.
It's an interesting serialization format, sort of like a compressed XML.
This added complexity isn't significant in a programming language and is quite a natural thing to do in reality, but it's the frequent source of the XML message serialization failure.
The framework handles the tedious process of interpreting the annotations and producing a corresponding XML document during the serialization process.
XML files that conform to this DTD aren't really XML-oriented; XML simply ACTS as a convenient serialization of the programming data.
RDF doesn't require XML, but one of the serialization formats used to describe the information USES XML.
In such cases, our recommendation is to exclude the XML declaration if the serialization allows it.
The XML portion of a query is converted to the XML world for parsing by the XML parser, and for output (serialization) of the XML value.