You are very serious; you want to go to the root of things, don't you?
These are Very Important Rules that must never be broken by any Serious Parent … until, of course, you want to break them.
We are very serious about hiring you.
If so, you are at a very serious risk.
If you are very obese and your health is at serious risk, your doctor may suggest you consider medicines or surgery to help you lose weight.
Your continued lateness for class indicates to me that you are not really a very serious student.
We are very serious about hiring you. We want you to teach for us.
And as you heard, there are dozens of people in hospital, and there are a few who are said to be in very, very serious condition.
Unless you are a very serious Road Racer, Mountain bike shoes and pedals will work better than Road bike pedals and shoes.
You are a person who is very serious.
Since mood disorders are both serious and very treatable, you should do whatever it takes to get good medical care.
The big goofs, sunshine optimistic you, to work hard serious you, loving you, strong you, filial you are very attractive.
You might sort of think, "Isn't it very serious that people who met, you know, mid-twenties are that close to one another?"
Think of ways to impress someone you think is special and you will get a very serious response. Make sure you are ready to reciprocate before you start the ball rolling.
You're not serious, are you? We've cooperated very well up till now.
"I'm serious Lisa," said Rick with a serious voice "you are very beautiful, but tonight you just look amazing" said Rick looking at her in the eyes, making her feel her heart beat faster.
"I'm serious Lisa," said Rick with a serious voice "you are very beautiful, but tonight you just look amazing" said Rick looking at her in the eyes, making her feel her heart beat faster.