Be warned, you big lounge lizard: it could happen to you.
But that might not be the worst that could happen to you when an IT company or service influences millions of users.
Is art important enough to you that you'd be prepared to watch, look at a masterpiece, if you knew that while you were enjoying it you could die,? But that wouldn't happen otherwise?
You might feel doubtful to my words, but you cannot deny it that in an unbound space and time the things that cannot be imaged could definitely not happen.
Only by acknowledging both the good and the bad of what could happen and by fine-tuning your money management system will you be on your way to greater prosperity.
So while you may not be scared about what could happen to you the next time, other people are. People who care for you.
Just think about what could happen if you choose to be that difference 100 times every day for the next year... you would have hundreds of thousands of small opportunities to make an impact.
Also, she could be thrown out of the car if you happen to be hit from the side.
I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could…Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny.
I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could…Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny.