If you draw a proposal, then you have to go to the import beer festival this weekend and push over a guy in a chemical toilet.
We also feature step-by-step-tutorials in the end of this post: and here you go — now you have something fun to do over the weekend!
Think about fun places to go that you and he might normally do on a weekend or over the summer if you were already confident that the school were handling his education.
You've not traveled for fun in a while, but over the full moon July 25 weekend it looks as though you will be able to go enjoy the company of friends.
LL: You have a safe weekend too. And don't go over the speed limit.
You may also take a surprise short trip over the weekend of April 26-27, an ideal time to pack and go!
You may also take a surprise short trip over the weekend of April 26-27, an ideal time to pack and go!