I hope you look good to me over every word, every sentence, I believe, after a period of understanding, you will find that we have here is your best place to work.
You would like to send a message to all your clothes buckets, "Please give me an ensemble to make me look good for this conference presentation!"
Thanks. That's kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with? My dress and they both make me look as good as I feel.
Lily: Thanks. That's kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with? My dress and they both make me look as good as I feel.
You when I was a kite, or to let me go, or else receive a good home, don't use a look see emotions and thoughts tied with me, let me heartache.
Vi: You look good yourself. Thought you were never going to call me.
Rhett: what a leading question! But let's not talk about sordid things like money! How good of you to come and see me and how pretty you look.
I'm not gonna tell you a pack of lies to make me look good.
Good quality and good price is that you star with me and sincerely look forward to purchasing customers in good faith negotiate!
You begged me to make you look good in front of Elizabeth.
Look, Art, the ear rings look so good on me! I forgot to show you…
Rhett: What a leading question! But let's not talk about sordid things like money! How good of you to come and see me, and how pretty you look.
You know, I think I look pretty good but when people say to me you haven't changed in years I say have you been to an eye doctor lately?
I really look forward to working with you, and this is a good opportunity for me to learn the spray drying process from you.
After the class, the teacher asked me to go, got a good dressing-down, said: "look at you that be well-educated and a model of propriety of the father's face, I'm not your palm."
After the class, the teacher asked me to go, got a good dressing-down, said: "look at you that be well-educated and a model of propriety of the father's face, I'm not your palm."