If you took the sun away, it would be like cutting the string that provides the pull and in that case what you would see is that the planets would just take off along a straight line.
I kept using relative pronouns like "who did this," "which this," and using ing-words,participles, because that's what you use in the Greek to string along clause after clause after clause.
You should string along with me because I know this business inside out.
Common primitive types are string, integer and Boolean; however, as you'll see a little further along in this article, you can also map an element to an array or a custom class.
Given a search path (a string of directories with a separator in between), you need to find the first file along the path whose name is as requested.
"You have made a continuous circle," said the cat. "Does any point along the string appear to be different, worse or better than any other part of the string?"
Wishing angel would string along with you every moment.
She said she'll string along with you when you come to Shanghai.
You connect the control to an ODBC data source by specifying the appropriate ODBC driver in the connection string along with relevant server and authentication information.
For instance, you can vary the user-control output to the cache by specifying the user-control name along with either a query string or a form POST parameter.
I'll string along, if you don't object.
I'll string along, if you don't object.