For a summer party, you should take the lead from Cate Blanchett.
Take care when you need to copy a word or words from the text onto your Answer Sheet. Copying incorrectly will lead to loss of marks.
But for a summer party, you should take the lead from Cate Blanchett.
Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Lapland — will anyone be in the office to take your call?
Instead, Neuman suggests, take charge of what you can control - your own behavior - and take the lead in bringing your marriage to a better place.
The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.
In most cases, to find out the cause of the error you need to take some type of trace that will show the sequence of calls that lead up to the error.
Take your lead from copywriters and other marketing experts and list your “features” – the good things about you – and their “benefits”.
But you have to take the lead.
As you focus on the areas that interest you, take notes, highlight and notice references that may lead to further reading.
It doesn't matter which one you take - they'll both lead to the same place. They look like dead ends, but they're just false walls.
Fortunately, a versatile strategy exists that allows you to take the lead in the dance: multiple equivalent simultaneous offers, or MESOs.
We can be partners, but ultimately you have to take the lead.
Follow their lead customer thinking, don't take by customers, so that you will be the customer brainwashed, not only can't sell products will affect their thinking.
Then Hou Ying advised Lord Xinling: "If only you had the Commander's Seal , which is bestowed only by the king himself , you could take Jin Bi's place and lead his troops to the help of Zhao."
Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.
Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.
But if instincts and information tell you to take a step, take it firmly, without second-guessing, the way you'd lead a frightened horse out of a burning barn.
No matter what you do, as a leader, must take the lead.
You just need to take the LEAD and make it happen.
You are able to freely decide your relationship with every faction by the way you treat other ships, the missions you take, and other plot decisions which can lead you to 5 possible endings.
We can guide you, even lead you but we cannot take you by the hand and pull you along.
Luckily, if you take the time to listen to each other it could lead to something more pleasurable.
Although family members might have expected you to take the lead in weekend recreation, the youngsters and young-at-heart are likely to take charge today.
If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you.
You either take the lead or fall behind.
You are a natural leader who can take initiative to lead a group through the right path.
Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.
Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list. Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet.
You both play the guitar and singing, what's your each role? Heard you take charge of lead guitar.