Then, sleep in, go to a museum or the movies (matinees are cheaper), take a serendipitous walk, venture off into the woods on snowshoes - do something you don't normally do on a weekend or holiday.
Once the habit is established, then you can vary your wake-up times or occasionally go without the alarm if you want to sleep in, but until then it's best to keep the pattern very tight.
If you are unable to get to sleep within 15 minutes, go to another quiet place and lie down until you feel ready to fall asleep, and then return to your bedroom to sleep.
If you require only 6 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and you want to wake at 5 then try heading to bed at 11:00 and see how you go.
Nothing. If you’re talking about I-sleep-over-and-go-off-to-class-the-next-morning and then you go and take a dump.
For example, if you have very flexible hours and can go on an early date, go back to work after dinner, and still get eight hours of sleep, then a 100-hour workweek might be fine for you.
Then you go to sleep. Do you understand me?
If it takes longer than 30 minutes to get to sleep, go into another room and read in low light until you feel sleepy, and then go back to sleep in your bedroom.
Woman said: "Then you go home and sleep!" I am a "home" word, my head is to coax a quick look at the deep-fried!
Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep.
Then you have to go to the toilet, brush, eat, work, eat, work, eat, sleep – and again the same nonsense the next morning.
Automatic Memory: you study right before you go to sleep. Everything you study then gets three or four instant replays after you fall asleep.
Then you can go back to peaceful sleep, and the answers will be there and not lost in a haze in the cold light of morning.
Then when the sun goes down, and It's time to go to sleep, you listen to the waves hit the shore at night.
而当太阳落了山,该是时候睡觉了。 在静夜里,你听到波浪击打着海岸的声音。
Keep an English journal. Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep.
Try to write a few sentences about your day and then speak them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep.
"It's a tie." he grinned briefly in spite of himself, and then was serious again. "Now." Why don't you stop pushing your luck and go to sleep?
Try to record a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as a lot times as possible ago you go to sleep.
Try to record a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as a lot times as possible ago you go to sleep.