Mario, you used to be short, didn't you?
It is designed to be used over a much longer timeframe, unlike atomic transactions which you normally associate with having very short lifetime.
The first parameter is the symbolic name that you want to assign to the appliance (keep this name short, because it will be used often).
I will say that my general view is that the SPR is to be used where you don't have just short-term fluctuations in the market, but a significant disruption event.
Blogging is in short a publishing platform that can be used to keep friends updates on your latest happening, or if you are a writer, to publish your own work.
Thequalifier is a short string that you include in the name of your resourcedirectories in order to define the device configuration for which thoseresources should be used.
Thequalifier is a short string that you include in the name of your resourcedirectories in order to define the device configuration for which thoseresources should be used.