Provide the information requested and indicate your agreement with the license agreement.
You are specifically made aware that your agreement with your Introducing Agent may result in additional costs as we may pay fees or commission to such person.
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
You need to reach an agreement with your parents on the matter of traveling alone.
Some of the clauses in your L/C No. 5741 are not in agreement with the stipulations of the S/C.
Your best alternative to a negotiated agreement with the new boyfriend is. your old boyfriend, who by your admission is an excellent catch.
And do you think that with your agreement to try to avoid these things in the future that the case is now closed, or this is going to be a continued irritant in the relationship?
Please tell us your detailed plan of sales promotion so that we may proceed with our negotiations about the terms of agency agreement.
We’d like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period of three years.
So we'll see later Ignatius, when we're reading his letters, he says, you can't just interpret scripture any you want to; you must be in agreement with your bishop.
We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval.
With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
If you do not know who you are, what are your interests and values, you can hardly act in agreement with yourself.
With stakeholder agreement on your process story, you can now begin to identify key differences between your process and RUP.
Review your summary with the executive, and revise it as necessary to get agreement.
Whatever the situation, managers should always ensure that the selected standards are clear and attainable and that both you and your employees are in full agreement with them.
Make an agreement that your teen can call anytime (" no questions asked ") for transportation home instead of getting into a car with a driver who has been drinking.
Whenever you and your spouse make a decision together or try to resolve a conflict with the Policy of Joint Agreement, one factor that must never be ignored is your past.
Your counter signature is not in agreement with the signature on the upper left corner.
With your partner, develop an "emotional prenuptial agreement" that Outlines how you'll handle children, money, trust issues, and division of labor.
Next month, the transaction appears on your phone bill, as the carrier agreement dictates…just like with Minitel transactions. (Note the carrier role, to be revisited.)
In accordance with an agreement (project No.335-028-1028) your organization first phase (two phases a total of 12 months) remittances is equivalent to 105 435.16 yuan (with Bank water alone).
根据协议书(project No . 335-028-1028)内容,贵机构第一期(分两期,共12个月)汇款折合人民币105,435.16元(附银行水单)。
In accordance with an agreement (project No.335-028-1028), your organization first phase (two phases, a total of 12 months) remittances is equivalent to 105, 435.16 yuan (with Bank water alone).
根据协议书(project No . 335-028-1028)内容,贵机构第一期(分两期,共12个月)汇款折合人民币105,435.16元(附银行水单)。
It is much the same with the people that enter your life, as that is also by arrangement and agreement.
And under those conditions, only someone in agreement with your desires could come to you.
I came to an agreement with your friend.
Thus, it is critical that you and your fiance each hire and work with a family lawyer to prepare an agreement that complies with your state's laws.
If you must display a license agreement within your application, try to do so in way that harmonizes with your user interface and causes the least inconvenience to users.
If you must display a license agreement within your application, try to do so in way that harmonizes with your user interface and causes the least inconvenience to users.