Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side.
Thus, if you don't stand (and rotate) over your big toe, your shoe will either pivot you off like a dreidel spun on its side or force you to reset your foot, increasing fatigue while you dither.
If your foot points down, you need to measure the distance between the top of your big toe and an imaginary line from the bottom of your heel.
This article provides you with 5 guidelines you can use as a designer to "speak business" - even if it's just to get your foot in the door or land a big project.
Press the big toe of the front foot against the wall and stretch your arms up, finger tips to the wall.
Point your foot into the wall and place your big toe directly on the hold (left foot in photo below), resulting in a squared-off stance.
Your big toes should be the very last part of your foot that leaves the pavement or floor as you step forward.
Your big toes should be the very last part of your foot that leaves the pavement or floor as you step forward.