In zero-sum games whatever hurts the other guy is good for you.
We believe that we should prudently handle current and future international affairs with a way of thinking that seeks accommodation instead of confrontation and win-win instead of zero-sum games.
Even if von Neumann and Morgenstern considered it an interesting concept, they only worked with zero-sum games where the core is always empty.
In 1928, the year Nash was born, von Neumann outlined a first formal theory of games, showing that in two-person, zero-sum games, there would always be an equilibrium.
The subject first addressed zero-sum games, such that one person's gains exactly equal net losses of the other participant(s).
In fact, von Neumann's focus on two-person, zero-sum games left only a very narrow set of applications for his theory.
Escaping these zero-sum power games requires a willingness to be vulnerable and honest with yourself and others, to recognize and manage power imbalances while not allowing them to consume you.
Results of research show that the process of games among nodal enterprises belongs to non-zero-sum cooperative games, dynamic games and incomplete information games.
One of the few notions from game theory to penetrate the popular culture was the distinction of zero-sum and nonzero-sum games.
Under fuzzy game environment, the problem of how to ascertain equilibrium strategies in fuzzy two-person zero-sum games was considered.
In the research of two-player zero-sum games, verifying whether there exists winning strategy has not been solved properly, since it refers to the search of the grand scale state space.
In the research of two-player zero-sum games, verifying whether there exists winning strategy has not been solved properly, since it refers to the search of the grand scale state space.