Daheishan gold deposit is a fractured alteration type and quartz vein type gold deposit, hosted in the outer contact zone of Damiao granite.
The contact between fluids is usually gradual rather than sharp, forming a transition zone of mixed fluid.
The contact zone width of crane wheel with track is analyzed by plane stress elastic theory.
The contact zone between roller and workpiece and its contour's definition are the cruxes of establishing the FEM mechanical model.
All the members of the big family have summer cottages in the neighbourhood and close contact with the family was crucial, but there was also a need of a private zone.
The inner, outside contact zone between Himalayan ultra-epizonal syenite porphyry, Indosinian volcanic rocks of liparite porphyry-dacite series and strata is very advantageous to the metallogenesis.
In their combination, the property of the adjective activates a conceptual zone of the noun, thus profiling the contact points and the link itself.
The geologic environment was mostly resulted from the intrusion of magma which led to folding of the overlying volcanic series, the formation of the intrusive dome and the contact broken zone.
Cu-Pb-Zn ore bodies are located in outer contact zone of intermediately acidic granite(partially layered skarn) and the ore occurs as dissemination and fracture-filling.
The contact deposit is controlled by the contact zone, and shows typical features of skarn orebody.
Granite is distributed in the periphery of mining area far from the andalusite bodies, and its contact zone can't control the pegmatitic andalusite bodies.
Carter (1962) assumed that the zone of adhesion occurred at the leading edge of the contact.
Marmatite is the guide mineral of the second ore type which appears in bedded, veined and irregular ore bodies near contact zone of magmatic rock or joint positions between faults and ore beds.
Important gold ore bodies generally occur in the contact zone of rock bodies and country rocks.
Temperature response at contact zone during grinding of granite were measured using thermocouple detector.
The variation of lateral displacement affects extremely the geometry and mechanics parameters in contact zone.
The light coloured nephrite, which formed on the contact zone of the dolomitic marbles and the granites, has more translucency and practically has not ore dissemination.
With a practical project, authors state application status of the pipe jacking method in construction of contact tunnels of a subway shield zone tunnel.
A "Zone", like that of the Sulu Sultanate, was not just a "spatial" site of economic, cross-cultural and symbolic contact.
A new method is designed for in process monitoring of grinding temperature at contact zone in workshop with strong interference.
The state of tool workpiece contact zone in Electric Hot Machining (EHM) is different from that of conventional cutting.
This causes a shorter contact time at the hot-filament or in the plasma zone and therefore a lower concentration of atomic hydrogen.
Found in the contact zone of the shale rock, but also common in crystalline schist.
The main characteristics of the skarn are as follows:(1)occurring as bedded, para-bedded in the contact zone between carbonate and microclastic rock, and its occurrence being accordance to the strata;
The copper (molybdenum) ore bodies are mainly situated in or out of the contact zone between the mineralized porphyry bodies and the biotite granite porphyry.
The main ore-bearing structure are the interlayer-gliding fracture zone, contact area of rock mass and fracture structure, which controlled the shape and the occurrence of orebody.
The main ore-bearing structure are the interlayer-gliding fracture zone, contact area of rock mass and fracture structure, which controlled the shape and the occurrence of orebody.