Otherwise, nothing would be shown on the screen because the SVG renderer does not zoom-in on the area in question.
It doesn't support multitouch, meaning you have to click an icon to zoom in and out rather than pinch.
After you zoom in to a picture, you can use a simple swiping motion with your mouse or finger to move to the next picture.
Although we have our concerns as to the safety of that zoom in our pockets, there's no doubt that Sanyo has upped the ante for this type of device.
At this point, you have a fully functional map pulling data in from multiple sources, including default functionality to pan with the mouse and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
I can zoom in to get more detail or switch to satellite mode if my trek takes me off-road.
When photos are opened, moving two fingers apart or together will zoom in or out on an image.
The interaction is kind of clunky, and it's hard to see all the movement, even when you zoom in, simply because there are so many lines.
A vector image prints at the highest resolution of the printer without the jagged pixels so often seen when you zoom in on bitmaps for printing.
Zoom in on your general area and use your mouse to identify the precise location you want to monitor.
This instructs the browser to zoom in on the content, so it looks good on a device.
The graphical process viewer has improved graphics, as well as the ability to zoom in and out or scroll the process as figure 1 shows.
You can zoom in or out of a diagram by pressing the Ctrl key while moving the mouse wheel.
The maps are speckled, but zoom in on major areas, and they look more like maps of where people want to live.
Researchers can look at the big picture or zoom in to a particular locale.
The Body Browser lets people zoom through skin, muscle and bone, just as Google Maps lets them zoom in from continents to city streets.
You can select to have the view fit to the process width or height, rather than having to zoom in or out manually.
You can also drag the second (or right-click) mouse button to select a rectangular area to zoom in on.
While you were using Google Earth to zoom in on your house, these archaeologists used it to find places to dig.
The information can be streamed to a mobile app or Web browser, where doctors can zoom in on and manipulate brain-scan imagery.
If you zoom in, you can see vehicles destroyed.
Other features include a three megapixel camera, a 'one click' contextual search and a browser that users can zoom in on by tapping the screen.
Like human eyes, these can fix on and follow various points very quickly in succession - but also zoom in on details.
If your subject is smaller than a car, take a step or two closer before taking the picture and zoom in on your subject.
But when you zoom in to very small distances, general relativity cannot ignore quantum fluctuations of space-time.
But, the real star of the show has to be that little boy standing on the left [zoom in].
"The images will be very high-definition, and we'll be able to zoom in," Phillips adds.
Prior to this, there was a lag time of a few seconds (depending on your system) if you wanted to zoom in or out on an image.
Prior to this, there was a lag time of a few seconds (depending on your system) if you wanted to zoom in or out on an image.