Meanwhile, the paper introduces Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to the analysis of triploid Populus tomentosa for the first time.
Kanamycin sensitivity tests for both poplar 84k and triploid white poplar were conducted.
A study was conducted on the effect of different concentration of NAA treatments on the cutting propagation of triploid Populus tomentosa testtube plantlet cuttings.
Meanwhile, the paper introduces Near Infrared Spectroscopy to the analysis of triploid Populus tomentosa for the first time.
The chemical compositiofiber configuration of triploid Chinese white poplar and their influences on the quality of pulp and paper are also discussed in the paper.
On the basis of study of triploid Chinise White Popular's growth characters, key techniques of 'forest-paper' industrialization were analysed synthetically.
It was shown by the results of the study that PF resins and UF resin with nano-SiO2 suspending in improved the dimensional stability and the hardness of wood.
It was shown by the results of the study that PF resins and UF resin with nano-SiO2 suspending in improved the dimensional stability and the hardness of wood.