The difference in genetic effect of the triploids obtained from two different combinations was significant.
If an endosperm trait is subject to the endosperm genotype, the triploid model must be employed for the genetic description.
In addition, the mechanisms of polyploid inducement with C. B treatment and temperature shock are dis cussed.
Our result of karyotype analysis supports the viewpoint that Chinese narcissus belongs to triploid plant, and the karyotype leans to a heterogeneous triploid.
Meanwhile, the paper introduces Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to the analysis of triploid Populus tomentosa for the first time.
But he says his fish could also be made triploid if necessary.
Emerging Asia's average growth rate of almost 8% over the past two decades-three times the rate in the rich world-has brought huge benefits to the rest of the world.
These forms are highly sterile, as would be expected of triploids and of autotetraploids derived from basic deploids.
人体X染色体的显微扫描照片。 (得到照片研究中心允许而复制) X染色体是Y染色体的三倍大,而且也传递着比其多100倍的基因信息。
The X chromosome is three times the size of the Y chromosome and carries 100 times the genetic information.
The triploid had parental morphological characters, but nearly sterility, of which seeding rate was only 0.12 %.
Malus hupehensis is natural triploid, due to its special materials, its explants is more difficult to regenerate adventitious buds than other plants of Malus.
The triploid baker's yeast strain ZLFH-121 was genetically stable as showed by analysis of genetic stability. The results indicate that the triploid strain ZLFH-121 has potential industrial value.
Outside of the low and high temperature points, along with the rise or drop of the handle temperature, the triploidy induction frequency decreased rapidity.
The difference of mantle between diploid and triploid is analyzed from outward appearance, tissue slides and content of protein and glycogen in Crassostrea gigas.
The seed setting rate has no obvious difference between autotriploid and autotetraploid, but it will rise with the increase of the self-bred generations.
Therefore, we have proved that there is a close correlation between the artificial multiple triploid carp and its diploid parents in both chromosomal Numbers and relative DNA contents.
The size of gonads of triploids from hot shock was significantly larger than that of diploids prior to gonadal differentiation.
On the basis of study of triploid Chinise White Popular's growth characters, key techniques of 'forest-paper' industrialization were analysed synthetically.
In addition, triploid and aneuploid cells were also observed in some variants.
The relative nuclear DNA content of nuclei isolated from young leaves including 4 diploid, 2 triploid and 1 tetraploid was measured by flow cytometry in grape cultivars.
Chromosome preparations made from leucocyte cultures showed that the artificial multiple triploid carp has a chromosomal number of 150, and all the fore parental forms have 100.
The method of genetic analysis for qualitative-quantitative (Q-Q) traits of diploid is ex-tended to the analysis of endosperm characters under triploid genetic model.
Based on the chemical composition analysis of the quick-growing triploid aspen, we can conclude that it is more appropriate to be used as a raw material for papermaking than straws.
The chemical compositiofiber configuration of triploid Chinese white poplar and their influences on the quality of pulp and paper are also discussed in the paper.
A study was conducted on the effect of different concentration of NAA treatments on the cutting propagation of triploid Populus tomentosa testtube plantlet cuttings.
The result of experimentation showed that the effect of hydro-priming on triploid watermelon seed vigor and seeding growth significantly lower than towel priming and perlite priming.
Meanwhile, the paper introduces Near Infrared Spectroscopy to the analysis of triploid Populus tomentosa for the first time.
Meanwhile, the paper introduces Near Infrared Spectroscopy to the analysis of triploid Populus tomentosa for the first time.