• 农业科技园区建设台阶

    Sixthly, the construction of agricultural science and technology garden will step onto a new sidestep.


  • 知识产权创造台阶

    IPR creation was raised to a new level.


  • 我国农业亟待台阶

    The agriculture of China must be developed into a new stage.


  • 相信通过双方共同努力关系不断台阶

    He believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, the relations between the two countries will constantly advance to new levels.


  • 建交20周年契机推动中摩关系不断迈台阶

    He also urged both sides to take the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties to push bilateral ties to a new level.


  • 理清思路找准对策推动四川国际科技合作台阶

    Definite thoughts and accurate measures will lead international scientific cooperation of Sichuan to a new stage.


  • 我们应该抓住机遇共同努力推动拉关系台阶造福我们人民

    We should take the opportunities and make joint efforts to push for China-Latin America relations to new levels and benefit our peoples.


  • 我们一起努力,推动经贸合作台阶,共同谱写中智关系篇章

    Let's work together to raise the bilateral economic and trade cooperation to a new level and write a new chapter in China-Chile relations.


  • 双方同意共同庆祝今年两建交50周年契机,推动两国关系台阶

    The two ministers agreed to bring their countries' bilateral ties to a new level by taking the opportunity of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cuba.


  • 双方把握机遇发挥各自优势,深挖合作潜力,推动各领域合作不断上新台阶

    Both sides should seize the opportunity, explore advantages and potential for cooperation, so as to elevate bilateral cooperation to a higher level, he said.


  • 双方签署哥自贸协定契机充分发挥互补优势推动经贸合作迈台阶

    He urged both sides to take the opportunity of the signing of China-Costa Rica free trade agreement and make best use of complementary advantages to push economic and trade cooperation to a new level.


  • 使团一如既往大家一道,一年推动中欧关系迈上新台阶而共同努力

    And I promise that in the New Year, we will continue to work with you to further promote the growth of China-EU ties.


  • 他说恪守双方领域达成协议文件,与中方一道,推动两国经贸合作新台阶

    Kyrgyzstan will adhere to bilateral agreements and documents in various fields and make concerted efforts with China to further promote cooperation in economy and trade, Kazakbayev said.


  • 我们韩方一道努力,深化各领域交流合作,推动中韩战略合作伙伴关系不断迈台阶

    China expects to work with South Korea to deepen the bilateral exchanges and cooperation and raise the bilateral strategic partnership to a new level.


  • 我们南方一道抓住机遇乘势,推动中南全面战略伙伴关系不断迈台阶更好造福人民。

    We stand ready to work together with South Africa and seize the opportunities and momentum to take our comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights to better serve our peoples.


  • 传统民间绘画继承再造具有强大生命力助推民间绘画更高层次广泛领域中不断迈台阶

    Traditional folk art and recycling in the inheritance has strong vitality, boosting the new folk art at a higher level and broader fields to a new level.


  • 中方东盟共同努力,确保11月举行中国-东盟领导人纪念峰会圆满成功,推动双方战略伙伴关系台阶

    China expects to work with ASEAN to ensure the success of ASEAN-China leaders' commemorative summit to be held in November and lift the bilateral strategic partnership to a new level.


  • 我们高兴看到东盟共同体即将建成,东盟国家一体化建设的里程碑标志地区合作水平台阶

    We are happy to see that the ASEAN Community will soon be launched. It will be a milestone in the ASEAN integration process and will mark a new level of cooperation in our region.


  • 其他特征也表明双方关系正在更新台阶,比如对方父母、带对方一起赴邀、生病时互相照顾,还有工作时互相打电话聊天。

    Other relationship milestones include meeting the parents, becoming the 'plus one' on all invites, seeing each other through an illness and comfortably phoning each other at work.


  • 关于C++有很多东西值得探讨,确定的一点:C++助力程序员编程一个新台阶

    Many things can be said regarding C++, but one thing is sure: C++ moved programmers one step up on the programming ladder.


  • 公司通过了ISO 9001: 2008TS16949国际质量管理体系认证使企业管理、产品品质一个台阶

    The company has passed ISO9001:2008 and TS16949 international quality management system certification, so that enterprises in the management, product quality and on a new level.


  • 公司通过了ISO 9001: 2008TS16949国际质量管理体系认证使企业管理、产品品质一个台阶

    The company has passed ISO9001:2008 and TS16949 international quality management system certification, so that enterprises in the management, product quality and on a new level.


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